But if you want to try, install Chrome Browser and they too must have a similar Passwords folder like the one in Brave. And then copy this file over to the one in Chrome and see if the passwords are viewable in Chrome, if yes just create a csv file using Chrome and import them into Brave!

I am needing to update the password of one of the users in the database security folder in SQL Server 2012. Unfortunately, we do not have a DBA in-house and consequently needing some help. I've been told that I have sysadmin privileges on this SQL Server but I cannot find WHERE to update a user's password in the database. When I googled this, msdn show me how to update a login in the SQL Server 2012 box but this user is NOT listed under the Security\Logins folder in this server but this user is only under the database\Security\Users folder.

Datafile Com Login Password

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What commonly happens with SQL authenticated logins and database users on a restore is that the SIDS will be out of sync or a login will not exist for a user in the database, thus breaking the relationship. This relationship must be repaired before you can connect to the database using that login, because in the eyes of SQL Server those principals are no longer connected. If the login doesn't exist, you will have to first create it in order to associate it with the user:

add/modify line in sqlnet.ora of database to have SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER=8restart databasechange/expire password for existing usernew users created will also have same settingsafter above steps PASSWORD_VERSIONS should be something like this

I face the same issue for connection in laravel 7 I face issue that my password is used in charater base when the password goes to the connect file is not go incomplete from .so I give the string password in my oci8.php file

The tip on Oracle's OTN = Don't type your password in TOAD when you try to connect and let it popup a dialog box for your password. Type the password in there and it will work. Not sure what they've done in TOAD with passwords but that is a workaround. It has to do with case sensitive passwords in 11g. I think if you change the password to all upper case it will work with TOAD.

I had a similar problem recently with Oracle 12c. I created a new user with a lower case password and was able to login fine from the database server but all clients failed with an ORA-01017.The fix turned out to be simple in the end (reset the password to upper case) but took a lot of frustrating effort to get there.

in my case with oracle database using tableplus build 373 on my m1 devicetype username and password in another text editor, copy and paste into username and password in tableplus. when i type in tableplus the text automatically changes to lowercase. because i had no problem with sqldeveloper, but when trying tableplus it always refused now i have solved it. i dunno why its problem on apps or other, but i have solved by the trick.

I accidentally cleaned my Chrome passwords with some 3rd party software (yes I know - Im a genius!). I've never synced the passwords online. Still it seems that the data exists in "Login Data" file ( %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data ). The good thing is that Im still on this machine and windows profile so I have the credentials and key to decrypt files with CryptProtectData (that's what I understood from other topics). This was the major issue when other people had similar question - they didn't have access to their original Chrome and Windows profile where the "Login Data" file came from.

Hack-browser-data is an open-source tool that could help you decrypt data ( passwords|bookmarks|cookies|history ) from the browser. It supports the most popular browsers on the market and runs on Windows, macOS and Linux.This will decrupt Your Passwords and will store them in a simple .CSV fil

When you want to help prevent unauthorized use of an Access database, consider encrypting the database by setting a password. If you know the password for an encrypted database, you can also decrypt the database and remove its password. This article explains how to encrypt a database by using a database password, and how to decrypt a database and remove its password.

In earlier versions of Access, you could create user accounts and passwords using a feature named user-level security. This topic does not discuss user-level security, which is not available when you use the .accdb file format.

Use strong passwords that combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don't mix these elements. Strong password: Y6dh!et5. Weak password: House27. Passwords should be 8 or more characters in length. A pass phrase that uses 14 or more characters is better.

It is critical that you remember your password. If you forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it. Store the passwords that you write down in a secure place away from the information that they help protect.

The Auth0-hosted database is highly secure. Passwords are never stored or logged in plain text but are hashed with bcrypt. Varying levels of password security requirements can also be enforced. To learn more, read Password Strength in Auth0 Connections.

In this scenario, you provide the login script to authenticate the user that will execute each time a user attempts to log in. Optionally, you can create scripts for sign-up, email verification, password reset, and delete user functionality.

In this scenario, you have a legacy user store and wish to switch to the Auth0 store. Auth0 provides an automatic migration feature that adds your users to the Auth0 database one-at-a-time as each logs in and avoids asking your users to reset their passwords all at the same time. To learn more, read Configure Automatic Migration from Your Database.

To see how this will affect the login screen, select the Try Connection view. Notice that once Requires Username is enabled, new users must enter a username and their email address to sign up.

Users can then login with either their username or their email address. Users who registered while Requires Username was disabled will not have a Username field stored and will have to log in with their email address.

At this moment, I can access IP/openemr, but get stuck on the 2nd setup page. Filling out the necessary passwords:

setup1193817 48.5 KB

Results in the following error message:

setup_error811173 4.27 KB

Thanks! I tried this, and even though it looked good first, trying out the new set password as described failed, it said the password was incorrect. Tried this a few times, definitely not a typo problem.

Next try:

Installed Jessie instead of Stretch.

Installing OpenEMR 5.0 gives me now the expected mySQL root password field to complete, which I did not had before. But at the same time some dependencies are not found and the packages are therefore not installed, about 10-15 missing, completion of the openEMR installation failed therefore.

If you are sure your root username/password are correct try repeating this install step again with ALL NEW data - new DB name, Login Name/Password

but of course same Name for Root Account and Password there.

Right now I trying to setup an automatic backup, but seems the SQL root password still haunts me. As described here: -emr.org/wiki/index.php/Backing_Up_Using_the_Built_In_Tools , I try to do save the database, but it fails:

Any help about this password? Or would my backup to be different for mariadb?

Or is it possible to do the backup (and later restore) without the password? Which folders would I need to copy, /var/www/openemr/ and the database? which folder/files contain the database?

Suppose someone were to knick a "Login Data" file from a Windows computer's Google Chrome profile. They don't know the machine's user account password, but they may have some ideas as to what it could be, to try.

Is it at all possible for them to recover the plaintext passwords from the Login Data file? Is it encrypted with any other entropy aside from the user account password? Does the encryption method use any entropy from the hardware profile of the machine, or anything like that? What if they were certain that the user account password was very poor? How trivially might they go about cracking it?

In Windows, Chrome uses the Data Protection API (DPAPI) to Triple DES using your Windows user's password. This means that every other program running under your Windows user is able to decrypt the login data. In fact, that's how tools like ChromePass and ChromePasswordDecryptor work. They only decrypt the file and reveal the passwords only if you run them on the same system that encrypted the file (or, perhaps, provide the victim's Windows password).

If the attacker was only able to acquire the Login Data file (for example, you had the file on your memory stick and it was stolen/lost), then your login data are protected as strongly as your Windows password is.

Since chrome v80, chrome encrypts cookies and passwords using AES256-GCM with a randomly generated key. The key used for encryption is then encrypted with DPAPI and stored in the 'Local State' file in the user's chrome profile. However, the DPAPI is used in Local_Machine scope which means that any user on the computer where the encryption was done can decrypt the data (i.e. encryption does not rely on user's password at all). I am not sure exactly how the master key for encryption on Local_Machine is derived, but if I remember correctly, it uses environment specific variables.

What this means is that if you only have the "Login Data" file available, you will have to brute-force the 256 bit AES key, which is currently practically impossible. Even if you can get your hands on the user's "Local State" file you will still not be able to decrypt the key unless you can figure out and obtain all the environment specific variables DPAPI relies on. Your best bet would be to gain physical access to the system while any user is logged on and then decrypt the passwords using something like ChromePass be457b7860

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