To make a long story short, Pinboard owner Maciej Ceglowski milkshake-ducked himself with bizarre and out-of-nowhere hair-splitting regarding whether JK Rowling is a TERF. I have too many trans and non-binary people in my life to give my money willingly to someone like that. So I was suddenly, unexpectedly, and unhappily in the market for a new linkspam tool.

As many TattleTape readers already know, I live and die by bookmarks. I collect them assiduously, post them to social media (formerly Twitter, now Mastodon) as they pass my gaze, use them in syllabus construction and professional writing, rely on them when people ask me reference-like questions.

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Because I not-infrequently get questions about bookmarking tools, following is a wildly opinionated comparison of present-day Pinboard and Raindrop, looking at featureset and user experience. The tl;dr version is that Pinboard is falling apart but its underlying elegance saves it for now, while Raindrop is superficially prettier but the actual experience of using it is full of frustrating warts and friction.

Pinboard is once again the pinnacle of spare elegance: tags in reverse-chronological order, good visual information hierarchy in the design of the link display, tags at right for additional tag discovery and refine-further-by-tag, no muss no fuss no frustration. No notes; perfect as-is.

But dang, Pinboard can be painfully slow when I type u:dsalo/t:someTag into the URL bar or do a moderately complex search and turn it loose to load. Five-whole-entire-seconds-to-respond slow. I got in the habit of switching tabs rather than wait for it.

My kingdom for a usable link deduplicator, on either platform! My other kingdom for a usable tag pruner/refactor-er! I have vastly too many tags and would love to prune some, split others, and move links among tags, but doing so is absolute agony on both Pinboard and Raindrop!

So many of us are locked out of our lap pools for an unknown amount of time and are likely to be locked out again pretty soon if they do open up. But you CAN use your backyard pool as an ideal tool to keep you in shape as a competitive swimmer or triathlete. Here is an article that will give you a ton of ideas on how to maximize your workouts with a backyard pool that will then link you to plenty of workouts, sets, drills, and methods you can use to keep improving all summer if you need to ( -competitive-swimmers-train-effectively-in-a-backyard-pool/)

Below is a simple drill that will work to take any length pool and make it a great cardio workout. Use this drill in the middle of other components to get your heart pumping and make your workouts harder. We call this the Salo 50 (inspired by the type of things Dave Salo uses regularly) as it is a mini version of a 50 yard set we include in our swim team sets pretty regularly. We use it as a quick way to stress the body and heart leading into a more serious component of a workout. 152ee80cbc

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