Ceremonies & Rituals

Ceremonies can be done for anyone, not just the Bleeding Bodies Community

*Hand Fasting/Parting Ceremonies*

Hand Fasting is an ancient marriage ceremony - likewise Hand Parting is a divorce ceremony. These ceremonies bring people together through the elements and their own spirituality(any Deities, Angels, Ancestors, and Elements can be called upon to witness the sacred moments). Rather than binding people together forever, this ceremony binds them for as long they wish. Victoria is also an ordained minster through the Universal Life Church.

*Baby Blessing Rite*

The Baby Blessing Rite is held to introduce the baby to the elements, the Gods/Goddesses, Ancestors, Angels, and Eternal Spirit. The rite also asks for protection and blessings until the child finds his/her/their own path in life. This ceremony can be written to suit the beliefs of the family. 

*Coming of Age Rite*

Coming of Age Rite is a ceremony for 12 to 17 year olds as they prepare for the life ahead of them. This ritual can be matched to fit the teenagers wishes. It can include gender neutral terms and ideology. Coming of Age rite is meant to honor their beginning transition into adulthood, as well as asking for Blessings and Guidance through her/his/their journey. 

*Rite of Healing*

The Rite of Healing ceremony is held to ask for blessings and healing. This is not a miracle working, rather a ritual to ask for what is best for the specific person. Rite of Healing ritual can be used for emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. Keep in mind, we cannot avoid the ups and downs of life, but we can ask for less unnecessary suffering.

*Transitional Rite*

The Transitional Rite holds sacred ceremony for a deceased loved one. The ceremony can be written to suit the beliefs of the family & friends.

*Re-Entry Rite*

Traditionally, a celebration would be held for the men/hunters/warriors returning back to the home - this ceremony has been written to honor, celebrate, and include anyone who has faced a difficult or traumatic situation. 

Please contact Victoria for a free consultation for the ceremony or ritual you are interested in.

*Discounts cannot be applied to ceremonies or rituals*