Salit Chakma 

Salit Chakma has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Disaster Management & Resilience, at Bangladesh University of Professionals since 2016.  During this time, he encourages students to hone their Geospatial problem-solving and Python skills and participate in citizen science. As part of it, he helped students organize multiple training sessions on OpenStreetMap (OSM), and JOSM (OSM); he also helped conduct informal training sessions on GIS (using QGIS) for his peers and colleagues.

Salit's research interest lies in the application of geospatial techniques and tools to investigate environmental and climate change attribution that are related to vegetation, human health, and urban dynamics. He is particularly intrigued by forest ecology (and change in carbon sequestration) and how climate extremes, such as heat waves, affect and attribute human health. He is skilled in both propriety GIS solutions such as ArcGIS Pro and freeware suites such as QGIS. Although proficient in ENVI and Erdas Imagine software, Salit prefers Google Earth Engine to process remote sensing data and for preliminary remote sensing analysis. Python is his go-to tool for statistical analysis and graphical productions.  

In his free time, Salit enjoys reading books, learning new geospatial skills, and a short tour with his red Vespa.


Get in touch at salit.chakma[at]; salit.chakma[at]