Privacy Policy

Application Link:

Data protection

1. Data protection

1.1. SakhaKey takes the protection of your privacy and the security of your personal data very seriously. 

2. Types of data collected

2.1. We may collect and process the following data about you:

2.1.1. If you contact us, we may store records of correspondence or conversations.

2.1.2. We may further ask you to take part in surveys for research purposes. However,

participation in such surveys is voluntary.

2.1.3. In addition, SakhaKey may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use. 

2.1.4.  This Application does not collect precise information about the location of your mobile device. 

3. Your rights

3.1. Consent you have given to process your data may be revoked by you at any time with

effect for the future by contacting us by e-mail or post. You may request information at any

time about the personal data about you stored by us as well as the purpose of the storage

thereof. Within the framework of the legal regulations, you also have the right to the

correction, blocking or deletion of your data. 

3.2. You can stop all collection of information by the application easily by uninstalling the application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

4. Spyware

4.1. We never install spyware on your mobile device, nor do we use any spyware to gain access to

data on your most.

4.2. Amongst other things, we use Google Analytics, a service of Google, Inc. (Google) to

analyse your use of the application settings. The data generated by Google Analytics is subject to the

data protection regulations of Google, transferred to Google and stored on Google servers

in the United States. Before being transferred, the data is anonymized by removing the last

eight digits of your IP address. The data is then processed by Google on our behalf to

analyse your use of the website, create reports about website activity and enable other

services associated with Internet use to be offered. Google does not associate your IP

address with other data stored by Google. For further information about how Google uses your data, please consult

5. Changes to our data protection regulations

5.1. Any changes we may make to our data protection regulations in the future will be

announced on this page.

6. Contact

6.1. Should you have any questions about our data protection regulations, please write to

keywords: Якутская клавиатура, Сахалыы клавиатура, SakhaKey, Yakut Keyboard