hhossain aT microsoft doT com


Hi I'm Sajjad!

I am a Data Scientist at Microsoft. My interest lies in decision making under uncertainty (Active Learning & Reinforcement Learning). 

I completed my PhD in Information Systems from University of Maryland Baltimore County in 2019. I was supervised by Dr Nirmalya Roy in Mobile, Pervasive & Sensor Computing Lab. My thesis was focused on how we can leverage Active Learning in Activity Recognition domain to mitigate the manual effort needed for data labeling and select annotator opportunistically depending on the user context.

Before joining UMBC, I completed my BSc in Computer Science & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology. After completing my bachelors I worked as Software Engineer for almost two years.

Apart from work, I love music and watching movies. I am a big fan of Tool. If you like to know my taste in music, checkout my Last.fm profile. Time to time I also love to read philosophical stuff and poetry.

