Sajed Jalil

Software Engineer | Generative AI Engineer
Apollo Applications  Group, Reston, VA (Ex. Samsung)

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Hey, there!! You can call me Sajed. I am a contractual Machine Learning Engineer at Apollo Applications Group, leading health-related Generative AI product development. Also, I will complete my MS in software engineering from George Mason University this November.

📚My academic research focuses on improving the usability and productivity of generative AI tools for software developers and data scientists. (see my publications page). When finding these improvements, I often ask what is working and what is not within the existing workflows.

🚀 Earlier in my career, I worked as a software engineer for Samsung Research and several other organizations. I completed my BS in Software Engineering from IIT, University of Dhaka. I have received one university award and two national academic excellence awards. I enjoy contributing to open-source projects and competitive programming.

About my personal life, I love to read fantasy novels and watch sci-fi TV series. Also, I am keenly interested in human history like the rise of human civilizations, watching historical documentaries, and to some extent studying human behaviors. 

**I am currently open for full-time software engineering / ML engineering roles.** My resume


Recent News

Joined Apollo Application Group as a Machine Learning Engineer.

Attended ESSEC 2024.

Successfully passed my Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam.

Served as an Organizing Committee Member in VL\HCC 23.

Secured runner-up position in the CEC Diversity poster competition.

ChatGPT and Software Testing Education: Promises & Perils was accepted in ICSTW 23