Symposium on
Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL)
June 6 - 9, 2022
Virtual event
The Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL 2022) is a virtual event that aims to bring together experts from Industry and Academia to discuss the future of AI and Law. The Symposium aims to provide a venue for AI-Law researchers and law professionals to come together, present and discuss research results, use cases, innovative ideas, challenges, and opportunities that arise from applications of AI in the Legal Domain. The symposium is also meant to foster collaborations between the Legal and the Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning communities.
The Symposium is being organized by AI researchers from IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, IISER Kolkata, TCG CREST, CSIRO Australia, University of Glasgow, University College London, and Law researchers from WBNUJS, Kolkata, India. Details of organizers can be found under the Organizers tab.
SAIL 2022 is the 2nd edition in the series. Earlier edition: SAIL 2021.
Symposium completed on June 9. Thanks to all the speakers and attendees!! Recordings of talks available on the SAIL YouTube channel.
Symposium starts on Monday, June 6, at 10:50 IST / 05:20 GMT. There will be a 10-minute inauguration followed by the talk by Ken Satoh.
Interested to participate? Fill in the form here
Bruce Hedin
Hedin B Consulting, USA
Eliot Ash
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Graham McDonald
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Karl Branting
MITRE corporation, USA
Ken Satoh
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Michal Araszkiewicz
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Tom Vacek
Thomson Reuters Labs, USA
Trevor J.M. Bench-Capon
University of Liverpool, UK