3D Printed Building

3D Printed Building- Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

In this project, I created a 3D building of Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia.

This project was designed using Adobe Illustrator, Blender3D and Tinkercad Software.

Step 1. Draw and outline (digital)

Draw and outline the image of Library Malaysian using Adobe Illustrator. This image will be as a reference image to design it 3D in Blender software.

Outline sketch of Malaysian Library

Pattern Design for the roof of the Malaysian Library

Front side of Malaysian Library

Upper side of Malaysian Library

Step 2. Create a 3D shape.

Next, I design the Library Malaysian using Blender 3D software. Tools that I use is include Bool tool and extrude.

Step 3. Create a 3D font

Then, design the word of Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia using Tinkercad software. Save as STL format before input it into Ultimaker Cura.

Step 4. Repair in Meshmixer.

To repair the broken side, I repair it using Meshmixer software.

Step 5. Print

Next, I set up the building at Ultimaker Cura and print it using Ultimaker S3. When the print is ready, take out the 3D printed building from Ultimaker S3 machine.

3D building in Ultimaker Cura

3D printed building UltimakerS3 3D printer.

The result of 3D printed building - Library Malaysian

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