2020 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 15 July 2020 - Mapping the global landscape of HHP risk reduction work.

  2. Discussion 2: 19 August 2020 - Perspectives on addressing HHPs in the SAICM context

  3. Discussion 3: 16 September 2020 - Examples and case studies on strategies for identifying and addressing HHPs from an IGO, NGO and Industry perspective

  4. Discussion 4: 21 October 2020 - Overview of the HHP Global Ac5on Plan and way forward

2021 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 10 February 2021 - Implementation mechanisms of the Global Ac-on Plan on HHPs. Part 1 – The targets of global ac-on plan on HHPs and role of the stakeholders in the implementation mechanism

  2. Discussion 2: 19 May 2021 - The Role of Alternatives in Phasing out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)

  3. Discussion 3: 15 September 2021 - Alternatives in Phasing Out HHPs: Industry innovations and the Substitution process

  4. Discussion 4: 20 October 2021 - Alternatives to HHPs – What are elements of success?

2022 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 18 May 2022 - The role and importance of national and regional Highly Hazardous Pesticides strategies

  2. Discussion 2: 27 July 2022 - The Key Role of SAICM NFPs in Reducing Harm from Highly Hazardous Pesticides

  3. Discussion 3: 30 November 2022 - Rights-based approach to Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) management

  4. Discussion 4: 12 December 2022 - The importance of farmer and farmer organisations’ perspectives on Highly Hazardous Pesticides


2020 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 3 July 2020 - Gender and sound management of chemicals and waste: Gender and the SAICM Emerging Policy Issues

  2. Discussion 2: 30 September 2020 - Brainstorming implementation of gender mainstreaming into national policies for the sound management of chemicals and waste

  3. Discussion 3: 25 November 2020 - Accelerating the implementation of SDG 12.4

2021 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 20 April 2021 - Chemicals and Biodiversity

  2. Discussion 2: 6 July 2021 - Promoting youth engagement with different stakeholders in chemicals and waste

  3. Discussion 3: 28 September 2021 - Climate change and chemicals: Connections and consequences

  4. Discussion 4: 23 November 2021 - Innovation for achieving the chemical related SDGs

2022 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: The Link between Climate Change and Chemical Accidents

  2. Discussion 2: Capacity building – tools that are used

  3. Discussion 3: Plastic pollution: ideas for addressing chemicals in plastics

  4. Discussion 4: Environmental Injustice Issues to Consider for Chemical Risk


2020 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 17 September 2020 - Mapping session of Chemicals in Products

  2. Discussion 2 - 26 November 2020 - Enforcement of products

  3. Discussion 3 - 7 December 2020 - Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class in the Textile Sector

2021 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 18 February 2021 - Industry Initiatives and information sharing on chemicals in products in the supply chain

  2. Discussion 2: 15 April 2021 - Chemicals of concern in building materials

  3. Discussion 3: 17 June 2021 - Chemicals in Toys

  4. Discussion 4: 11 November 2021 - Traceability in the textile value chain

2022 PowerPoint presentations

  1. Discussion 1: 17 March 2022- Cross-sectoral global minimum transparency standard for hazardous chemicals in products - an essential tool to detoxify material cycles

  2. Discussion 2: 12 May 2022 - Traceability tools across supply chains.

  3. Discussion 3: 15 June 2022 - Assessment of alternatives

  4. Discussion 4: 29 September 2022 - Chemicals Management Toolkit: Is chemical risk management too complex for a "do-it-yourself" guidance?

  5. Discussion 5: 10 November 2022 - Chemicals regulation enforcement and public procurement.


2020 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 9 August 2020 - Steps toward adoption of national lead paint laws

  2. Discussion 2: 18 August 2020 - Setting low limits for lead in paint

  3. Discussion 3: 23 September 2020 - Awareness-raising for lead in paint elimination

  4. Discussion 4: 10 November 2020 - Compliance and enforcement in a lead paint law

2021 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 10 March 2021 - Where are there laws? A global and regional overview

  2. Discussion 2: 9 June 2021 - Reformulation is entirely possible

  3. Discussion 3: 14 September 2021 - Making the case: Awareness raising about importance of lead paint laws

  4. Discussion 4: 8 December 2021 - Is there lead in paint? all about testing

2022 PowerPoint presentations:

  1. Discussion 1: 9 March 2022 - Lead Paint Testing: Case Studies of Impact

  2. Discussion 2: 25 May 2022 - Transitioning to paints without added lead: guidance and experience in reformulation

  3. Discussion 3: 13 July 2022 - Preparing for the 10th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.

  4. Discussion 4: 16 November 2022 - Compliance with Lead Paint Laws.