Sahibzada Muhammad Shuja

Research Assistant (ComSens-Lab)

MS-Information Security,

COMSATS University Islamabad

I was born in Islambad, in 1991. Islamabad is a capital city of Pakistan.

Under the supervision of Dr. Nadeem Javaid, I completed MS in Information Security from the COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2019 with the thesis entitled, Scheduling of Residential Appliances for Various Pricing Signals by Applying RES and ESS Systems.

Recently, I am working as a Research Scholar in ComSens (Communications over Sensors) Research Group at the Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan.

My research interests include; Energy management in Smart Grid, Data Science under the supervision of Dr. Nadeem Javaid (