Our Mission is to educate the community, support families, and advocate for students and teachers.

Follow us on social media!


If you are in RISD and have questions or need parent-to-parent assistance regarding disability needs, gifted needs, social and emotional wellness, or DEI, please send us a message at risdsagepta@gmail.com or submit a request online. Membership in our PTA is not required to benefit from our support and activities! 

We Thrive With Membership

We encourage all parents and teachers of RISD students with SAGE needs to join the SAGE PTA each year!  Your membership fees help fund everything we do, and your membership strengthens our voice for every child.  Anyone can join: parents, teachers, students, staff, grandparents, caregivers, school board members, and other community members!  Click here to learn more and join!

Join us this year for SAGE Spirit Nights!  Funds raised will allow SAGE PTA to do more for teacher appreciation for SAGE departments in RISD! 

Coming up next:    Join us at Chipotle on Coit Road on October 22, 5pm-9pm, mention RISD SAGE PTA or use code GKX7JC9 ordering online, and SAGE PTA receives 25% of your purchase!  Wow!

WHERE:  Chipotle, 14715 Coit Rd., Dallas TX 75254

WHEN:  Tuesday, October 22 between 5pm-9pm

See you there! 

Thank you to our 2024 - 2025 sponsors!

Please visit the websites of our business sponsors to show thanks for their support of SAGE!

Bronze Business Sponsors

Sustaining Members and Family Advocates

Villamar-Robbins family

Family Partners

Joey, Elizabeth, and Brian Kaner

In-Kind Business Sponsors

Become a Sponsor

Become a business or family sponsor of the SAGE PTA during the 2024-2025 school year!  To ensure access for families at all income levels, our dues are low, and we provide need-based membership scholarships.  By becoming a sponsor, your family or business helps us cover operating expenses and fund activities supporting RISD’s SAGE departments, including teacher appreciation. 

The SAGE PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Please take a look at our sponsorship levels and consider a sponsorship today!

Our sponsorship levels: https://bit.ly/SAGEPTAsponsorlevels2024-2025

Become a sponsor at https://bit.ly/SponsorSAGE2425

Are you on the PTA board at your child's school?

If your campus PTA board doesn't yet have a SAGE Chair, you can volunteer to serve, or you can help recruit a parent or teacher!  In the PTA for a school in RISD, a SAGE Chair ensures that disabilities and learning differences are represented in the activities of the PTA.  Specific activities vary depending on the needs at each school.  

The SAGE Chair for the RISD Council of PTAs acts as a liaison between the SAGE PTA and provides training and support for campus SAGE Chairs.  Campus SAGE Chairs are automatically included in an advisory committee for the SAGE PTA, and both the Council SAGE Chair and SAGE PTA are here for you!  To receive support in adding or serving as a SAGE Chair at your school, contact sage@risdpta.org. To be added to the SAGE PTA advisory committee, please contact risdsagepta@gmail.com.

October, 2022:  Letter from the Founding President

It is my great honor to announce that on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, the Richardson ISD Special and Gifted Education PTA became a new Texas PTA organization in the RISD community.  As your new RISD SAGE president, I am so excited to be a part of this moment!

Historically, ensuring that students with diverse learning needs are achieving their highest potential has been a collaborative effort in which parents, students, and educators worked together to provide the best possible education plan for those students with disabilities. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was enacted in the 1970s from a grassroots effort of parents who believed students with different abilities needed to be included in public education settings. That belief has continued to grow and made it possible for all diverse learners, from special to gifted education, to be fully included in all educational programming.  After years of these collaborative efforts, we now know that forming an organization like RISD SAGE PTA is a best practice for providing resources and a place for families, students, and teachers to connect.

I could not be more excited or proud that our community in Richardson ISD has come together to build a place for our students with diverse learning needs and their families. This new PTA organization will continue in the same vision of the RISD PTA Council SAGE Chair and the original SAGE mission: to Educate, Support, and Advocate through providing resources, building relationships, and speaking up for our students with special learning needs. I hope you will join us on this journey as we grow!  As one of my favorite diverse learners once said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do much!”  - Helen Keller

Beth Sheehan

President, Richardson ISD Special and Gifted Education PTA, 2022-2023

Our Awards


Keep up with the latest SAGE news in RISD— follow us on social media!