With the help of the decompiled code, stepping through relevant functioncalls is made easier and reveals quite a lot of information; for instance,one of the first functions to get called from the com.safenet packageis c.e.o.a:

Obsessively stepping through the function calls leads to theone which actually gets called in the context of our interest,in this case com.safenet.c.e.t.a(java.lang.String,com.safenet.c.e.m, boolean), with its actual parametersthis.b, this.c and bl2 respectively. Although we are notable to inspect local variables without rebundling the application with annotated symbol names, we can still dump objects and their fields:

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By attaching the debugger at a more strategic stage of execution, forexample inside the activity window past the PIN dialog, we obtain a finerand more educated trace. An interesting sequence is entered within thecontext of the c.e.w.a function which afterwards proceeds tocall the ssl function com.safenet.openssl.d.a. The latterreturns an array of 32 bytes to the caller which surprisingly enoughreturns the generated OTP code (195494) that I obtained duringthe execution trial. Clearly, the call to openssl.d.a is wherethe secret key is almost certainly used to generate the MAC code usedby c.e.w.a to derive the OTP from:

Tracking down name references in the code reveals that the first actualparameter is the enum com.safenet.c.e.e, while the second andthe third are more relevant. Object2 is just a 8-bytes piece of datagenerated with only one further reference:

As regards to the second argument, object, we can see abovein the code that it is just a reference to this.a. In otherwords, elucidating on the nature of the openssl call is just a matterof inspecting the current object in the stack frame once the executionstops at com.safenet.c.e.w.a(String):

Software-Generated One-Time Passwords.SafeNet's MobilePASS family of one-time password (OTP) software authentication solutions combines the security of proven two-factor strong authentication with the convenience, simplicity, and ease of use of OTPs generated on personal mobile devices or PCs. By turning a mobile phone into a two-factor authentication device, organizations save significantly on hardware and deployment costs, while users benefit by not having to carry an additional hardware token around with them.Access Control for Remote and Local Networks.Compatible with the broadest range of mobile clients, MobilePASS provides powerful identity protection and convenient access control for remote access systems, such as VPNs, Citrix applications, Cloud applications, Outlook Web Access, and Web portals. It also offers strong authentication for secure local network access.Optimized Security.Sophisticated security capabilities, including standards-based activation and dynamic seeding, allow organizations to optimize the balance between ease-of-use and TCO without compromising on security. In addition, central management of MobilePASS alongside other SafeNet authentication solutions enables organizations to adopt a layered approach to security by deploying different authentication devices and methods for different groups of users.- See more at: -inc.com/multi-factor-authentication/authenticators/software-authentication/mobilepass-otp-authenticator/ 2351a5e196

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