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Is a record playing and the speed has slowed down. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app but symptoms still persist. I have used my player on my android phone and played my own music and this seems ok.

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Could you perform one more reinstall, but this time using the steps in this Spotify Answer? They are more thorough and ensure that no corrupted leftover files remain. We also recommend you try disabling any battery optimization software running on your phone. Follow these steps:


1. Mobile Settings> Apps> Spotify> Permissions. Allow everything you see there.

2. Mobile settings> Apps> Spotify> Battery> Optimize battery usage> select top All (not optimized for apps)> Spotify> disable.

If that doesn't fix things, we're going to need a bit more info to be able to find the root cause of the problem - does this happen on different internet networks i.e. WiFi, 3G/4G and across multiple devices? It would be helpful if you share the make, model, OS and Spotify version on the devices you're experiencing this with.

Allow me to fill you all in on how this story ends: they delete and reinstate your account to clear the issue, only to have it creep back months later. I know because I am in that position. 

@Markq - it would also be great if you can let us know if you still experience issues while trying to set up your account? If you do, can you try from an incognito/private window to see if the issue persists?

We'll keep an eye out for your replies.

There are a lot of variables here, and as much as I want to blame Spotify for simplicity sake, the issue appears to be with Bluetooth. E.g., when I listen on my PC, everything is fine. The only wireless protocol between me and spotify is my Internet. My speakers are hardwired near-field studio monitors, and I am using USB 2.0 protocol w/ a Focusrite Scarlet 18i20 v2 for my A-D-A. BPM matches perfectly per artist spec.

However, when I practice drumming I listen to Spotify through my wireless earbuds bluetoothed from my Pixel 6Pro. The tempo is all over the effing map. Phone and earbud resets work on occasion but only after multiple attempts at each.

It's the BT protocol screwing things up. It also happens with my JBL Flip - again BT protocol. Read up on how hilariously slapdash BT development was and maintenance still is... again, I want to blame Spotify, buuuuuut...

This effect (of music audibly slowing down and speeding up again) happens only in my car. The Pioneer radio in the gen3 RAV4 is a horrible piece of rubbish. I know it isn't spotify causing the issue because all my sound apps do it. Tune-In radio stations do it too.

In my opinion this noise comes from the bearings. It isn`t an broken bearing but it seems to come from the little balls inside of the bearing. I change and regreased my bearings and after that, it is better for me. However, I am not sure if it is really the solution to the problem.

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

With your noises, the bearings are often the first to be assumed. Unfortunately, the original bearings from Prusa are often defective to bad. And apparently Prusa's own mechanics also install the bearings incorrectly or grease them far too little. It is also important not to put too much grease in the bearings but also not too little. Despite new bearings with me I have the same noise as you also sometimes still. I suspect that the printer now and then sets the Z-offset too low. And in your video you can clearly hear that his noise is also heard on X, just quieter.

About the thing with the bearings, seems to be something in any case. I have also discovered with my bearings that they have no marking of the manufacturer. I also strongly suspect here that they now use cheap China bearings. Presumably it seems to be so still cheaper for Prusa even if you have to send several customers subsequently new bearings.

I had a similar issue. First prints were fine, no loudness at all, then after approx. 3 weeks loud sound on specific y-axis movements (clearly in the middle). Asked support, they said I shall regrease and it became a lot less loud. However after two weeks, again same loudness. This time, regreasing didn't help. Decided to inspect the bearings as I highly assumed the issue is caused by the right single y-axis bearing, although I couldn't clearly determine it regarding vibrations or sound. So I used a new misumi bearing I had left over, completely regreased it and replaced the right single bearing that came with the prusa printer. Inspected the old bearing and it turned out the balls were still greased but clearly didn't move as clean as they should move (probably worn out balls). Now with the bearing replacement it's even much quieter than before.

All of my issues were solved with a new hard drive. About a month after my last post, the original HDD failed completely. The replacement has been running strong for 4 years and my laptop is nice and speedy to this day.

One hiccup was upgrading to Windows 10. What a mistke that was! After a few weeks of dealing with the painfully slow operation caused by Windows 10 and its pagefile usage bogging down the HDD, I downgraded back to Windows 7 and its been great since.

Once you turn on the unit keep tapping F8 key and select the option safe mode with networking check if the unit works fine in this mode. Check if the unit is Over heating. Please Visit HP Website update the Bios, Graphic & Chipset driver and have it checked.

There is no message that appears. My presario cq56 will boot as normal, but is so super slow to respond. When I reloaded operating system I accidently chose 32bit, the computer seemed to run normal, I realized what I had done and reloaded 64bit and now runs painfully slow.

I also have a dog slow CQ56 DX115, ran the memory test and HDD test to no avail. What I have done just to get some use out of this dog was to uas a USB drive and use it as a readyboot. It works well but still does not fix what I believe is inherient to this computer, just a work around.Have seen the post to update the BIOS , may try that but don't understand why it suddenly runs slow. Come on Compaq techs address this issue with real answers not just run of the mill check HDD and mammory.Many others have the same issue so it's not a new thing to you.Help people out and support your product if you want to keep selling your product to the public.

Also my computer is already updated to Ver F1.8 so I don't believe that has anything to do with speed issue, and to address another comment that the CPU may not be working well with 64 bit does sound a bit rediculouse

(I know, I will try to apply the same tag to multiple messages all at once, and thereby amortize the delay, but it is sad when the user must change behavior to work around a performance problem of the application software.)

I noticed that several of my Gmail labels had /slashes in the label name - NOT between the labels in the parent hierarchy, but in between. I have been using Gmail since before they had parent-child-under relationships between labels.

The only other thing i can suggest is try posting this issue on the Google Community forum which one of their Gmail moderators might know where the problem lies as sounds like a possibly Gmail label / tag issue in Googles mailbox end.

FAST with safe boot

FAST with safe boot & networking

SLOW with normal boot, all services disabled that msconfig allowed to be disabled, no startup items

SLOW with normal boot, all non-Microsoft services disabled, no startup items

There are things that you can enable when doing SafeBoot&Networking that get you part of the way to NormalBoot-Services-Startup, and similarly you can turn things off in NormalBoot-Services-Startup at granularity that msconfig does not know, that can further isolate the problem. msconfig is or at least was a great advance over what we had before, but it does not do everything.

Programs that are optionally installed on the boot in msconfig are things like eg: Optional Firewall / Security programs, Optional Antivirus scanning programs, Malware programs, VPNs, etc. Lots of different optionally installed programs can interfere with mail clients in normal startup mode, so hope that helps.

If you are an eM Client Pro or Enterprise registered customer you can then submit logs & diagnostics etc from eM Client in a support VIP ticket to find out where the delay is via the eM Client VIP Pro support page.

I am currently evaluating eMclient, with Google label support as my number one requirement. I have to decide whether it is worthwhile purchasing to get support for a problem that might be easily fixed, or which might not be fixed for months or years.

I'm using AVAudioEngine for audio in an iOS game application. A problem I've encountered is that takes a long time to execute, which can be a problem in real-time applications such as games.

play() just activates the player node - you don't have to call it every time you play a sound. As such, it doesn't have to be called that often, but it does have to be called occasionally, such as to activate the player initially, or after it's been deactivated (which happens in some situations). Even if only called occasionally, the long execution times can be a problem, especially if you need to call play() on multiple players at once. 152ee80cbc

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