After a day's use, the iPad is now not responding well. I am stuck in Safari with full page blank and another floating Safari window above. It is locked in portrait mode, and moving the iPad around has no effect. Swiping has no affect. I cannot access any other apps even if I connect keyboard and try to cycle through recent apps.

Hi, I've been unable to get the safari extension for 1Password to move past the installation stage in my launchpad. I have the latest version of safari, and have 1Password installed as an application on my Macbook Pro, but despite restarting the computer and trying to restart the process, it keeps getting stuck at "installing."

Safari Download Stuck At 0


I uninstalled, installed, can't say how many times, on new MBA. The safari extension box would not let me place a check in the box. Then read in another forum to jiggle the window where the box is placed. Success! Weirdest solution I've ever seen.

I just had the same problem.I edited a file with an editor and connection to ftp. Then I opened a tab in safari and tested the file -> I was stuck in an infinite alert loop. So, what I did (this solution will of cause only work if the regarding file is online and not local)

HALELUYAH I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT. This happened to me as well. Quick fix: right click the alert box, move it to the top right corner and align the (x) button with that of the browser window. double click. it'll pop up one more time but pres (x) again and it'll close safari. Worked on Windows.

I also observed that the progress bar on the address bar stuck in the middle once I clicked the "cancel" button. I observed no error from the console. And this seems like a Safari only issue, it happens on both mobile and laptop Safari.

In our experience, this takes time if you have a large number of extensions as you will have to do it one by one to figure out which browser extension is causing the issue. A better way to approach this is to disable all the browser extensions and test your safari. If it works, then try activating one browser extension at a time and test to locate the problematic one so that you can remove it for good.

Some times when the game crashes/stuck/roll back, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and this can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost or refund in these issues as it's responsbility. Take time in here =16&t=24257

Firefox 52 and Safari 12 have removed all support for Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI). Plugins such as the mydlink plugin, Silverlight, Java, and Acrobat are no longer supported. mydlink portal uses mydlink plugin to access mydlink devices, and since mydlink plugin no longer works, Firefox and Safari 12 users are stuck at the plugin download page. Please note that customers using Firefox 51 or Safari 11 are not affected. Internet Explorer still support these plugins.

The leopard encounter occurred during a two-week safari to Kenya and Tanzania. During the trip, my husband and I watched three more leopards, not to mention cheetahs, dozens of lions, rhinoceros, African buffalo, troops of elephants, baboons, black-and-white colobus monkeys and an array of other mammal species. We also spotted more than 200 types of birds.

In 2003, we traveled with two friends through the desert and delta terrains of Botswana and Namibia, where humans, plants and animals have adapted to a difficult, but often spectacular, environment. We voted our finest animal experience as the one in which a 3-week-old rhinoceros gamboled into the dirt track ahead of our safari vehicle, then tried but failed to turn around in midair, crash-landing on his tangled stumpy legs. But he returned twice to peer at us while his mom stayed a discreet distance away.

Work with safari specialists: If the company offers or plans independent trips to other parts of the world than Africa, these tours should also be strongly oriented toward wildlife-watching, ecotourism and conservation.

I am "stuck" using Chrome and only doing so in order to utilize Dropbox for Business. I imagine there are many folks like me, just watching this thread and waiting for an update. I fear taking the conversation offline won't be helpful to the broader community who are awaiting some kind of word on progress on this issue, even though we're not continually leaving comments asking for updates. 17dc91bb1f

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