Great earthquakes have repeatedly occurred on the plate interface in a few shallow-dipping subduction zones where the subducting and overriding plates are strongly locked. Silent earthquakes (or slow slip events) were recently discovered at the down-dip extension of the locked zone and interact with the earthquake cycle. Here, we show that locally observed converted SP arrivals and teleseismic underside reflections that sample the top of the subducting plate in southern Mexico reveal that the ultra-slow velocity layer (USL) varies spatially (3 to 5 kilometers, with an S-wave velocity of approximately 2.0 to 2.7 kilometers per second). Most slow slip patches coincide with the presence of the USL, and they are bounded by the absence of the USL. The extent of the USL delineates the zone of transitional frictional behavior.

\u201CA lot of people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch of unconnected incidents and things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything. Give you an example; show you what I mean: suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, \\\"plate,\\\" or \\\"shrimp,\\\" or \\\"plate o' shrimp\\\" out of the blue, no explanation. No point in looking for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.\u201D

Coincidently, Plate 2

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K. Fehre, D. Trojanowskaja, J. Gatzke, M. Kunitski, F. Trinter, S. Zeller, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, J. Stohner, R. Berger, A. Czasch, O. Jagutzki, T. Jahnke, R. Drner, M. S. Schffler; Absolute ion detection efficiencies of microchannel plates and funnel microchannel plates for multi-coincidence detection. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 April 2018; 89 (4): 045112.

Linear random sum theory was used to develop statistics of corrected end-plate potential amplitudes for end-plate potentials composed of coincident (fixed latency model) and non-coincident (variable latency model) unit potentials using the Poisson and the binomial distributions for the neurotransmitter release mechanism. Equations were derived for the mean, variance, variance to mean ratio and coefficient of variation of corrected end-plate potential amplitudes. Analysis of neuromuscular transmission using these equations revealed the following: The mean quantal content of end-plate potentials formed from coincident unit potentials is to a good approximation linearly related to, and less than the quantal content of end-plate potentials formed from non-coincident unit potentials for both release mechanisms. As quantal content increases, the variance to mean ratio of corrected end-plate potential amplitudes formed from noncoincident unit potentials under a Poisson release mechanism initially decreases with increasing quantal content and then asymptotically approaches a constant value; whereas, the ratio is a continuously decreasing function of quantal content for a binomial release mechanism. For the Poisson release mechanism this ratio remains constant and equal to the mean unit amplitude for all values of quantal content when end-plate potentials are composed of coincident unit potentials, but the ratio remains a decreasing function of quantal content for a binomial release mechanism. For the Poisson release mechanism the coefficient of variation of corrected end-plate potential amplitudes formed from non-coincident unit potentials is smaller than the coefficient of variation of corrected amplitudes formed from coincident unit potentials; thus, the inverse of the square of the coefficient of variation is a better approximation for quantal content than the ratio of mean end-plate potential amplitude to mean unit amplitude. For the binomial release mechanism and large values of quantal content, the coefficient of variation of end-plate potentials is smaller than the respective coefficient of variation of end-plate potentials formed from coincident and non-coincident unit potentials for the Poisson release mechanism. Thus, for the binomial release mechanism and large quantal contents, the inverse of the square of the coefficient of variation yields a value of quantal content that is too large.

Sky's royal commentator Alistair Bruce tweeted: "Thinking of irony that car in which Archduke Frank Ferdinand was shot in #Sarajevo (catalyst to #1WW) bore number plate 'A111118' - Armistice 11 11 18 #spooky."

While in English the "A" on the plate takes on a greater significance because of the word Armistice, Mr Dash points out the same word in German is Waffenstillstand, perhaps indicating why it had not been noticed before Mr Presland spotted the connection.

The time distributions of neutron and gamma events for the plutonium metal plates of different isotopic compositions in a singles and coincidence acquisition mode were measured with the Fast Neutron Multiplicity Counter (FNMC) consisting of 8 EJ-309 liquid scintillators and 8 stilbene detectors. Since time intervals between detected events depend on the source activity, estimation of 240Pu effective mass in an investigated sample was based on the calibration curve obtained by using a subset of the remaining Pu metal plates. It was demonstrated that the neutron time interval distributions can provide the evaluation of 240Pu effective mass with high accuracy. The Kolmogorov complexity (KC) and Lyapunov exponent were calculated to reveal the presence of a chaotic and non-random time series in all the measured ones.

I have constrained the girders on the side of the bridge so that they are parallel to the edge of the bridge deck, the faces of the girder and deck plate are coincident, one of the front lower vertices of the girder is coincident with the front line of the deck plate, and the distance between the deck plate long edge and girder long edge is a set variable:

However...when I go to adjust the skew angle of the deck plate some of these constraints seem to be ignored so that the left hand girder comes off the plate (bottom left) - it does remain parallel and the correct distance from the edge just in the wrong direction:

So, the question is how do I get the distance constraint to always be on the left of the girder (as in the first image) so that the girder always remains on the deck plate (as in the first image), or is this something to do with the coincident constraints and if so how do I get them to "work" even after the skew is changed?

1. Users at our company usually assembles components using the Coincident constraint. They design bottoms-up. - Plate sits on plate and build your way up (as if you were physically assembling the components). Even in top-down assembling, they would make Coincident surface to plane. Coincident constraint should be the default constraint as opposed to Distance constraint.

This highlights the tricky part of using coincident node CBUSH elements. When a CID is used to define the nastran CBUSH element orientation, the load is always computed as Ke tension based on UGB-UGA. In our case, the element was defined from the node GA on the bottom plate to the node GB on the vertical plate.

The schematic velocity triangles in Figures 1B and 1C illustrate the effects of the introduction of a Deccan-Runion plume-push force from the mantle (M), as suggested by Cande and Stegman (2011). Depicted by thick red arrows, the plume-push force opposes the preexisting motion of the African (AFR) plate, decelerating it, but it aligns with the preexisting motions of the Indian (IND) and, possibly, Antarctic (ANT) plates, accelerating them. These changes are represented by the lengthening of the IND-M and ANT-M vectors and shortening of the AFR-M vector between Figures 1B and 1C.

Here, we test in greater detail the proposal that the introduction of plume-related forces in the Indian Ocean led to large accelerations and decelerations in Indian and African plate motions. We do this by examining plate divergence rates calculated from a set of models of higher temporal resolution than those used by Cande and Stegman (2011). In turn, we discuss whether or not such plume-triggered divergence rate changes are necessary to explain the regional plate-tectonic reorganization around the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.

Prior to the spike, rates along opposite sides of the African plate anticorrelate over a long period. Starting in Campanian times, IND-AFR and IND-ANT plate divergence rates (recorded in the central and eastern Indian Ocean) steadily increase, while AFR-ANT and AFR-SAM rates (recorded in the western Indian and South Atlantic Oceans) steadily decrease.

If you have to assemble many clamps to your base plate, or if you have some custom parts to be bolted or riveted into place in your SOLIDWORKS assembly, then this SOLIDWORKS Smart Components article is for you.

In this article, a case study is demonstrated to show the necessary steps. However, it can be easily expanded for your particular applications as well. The case study is we need to insert a clamp into an assembly and mate it to a plate. We need to bring in bolts and also bolt holes on the plate along with the clamp model.

So, to clear things up, what do you think: was the number plate accidental or was it an intentional joke that was blown out of proportion and things turned violent. Or was it all planned, including the whole angry mob thing, by the crew to make this Christmas Special extra special and make it seem as if the trio of presenters was in danger for extra hype and ratings?

Here at Commons Club, unexpected ingredients and bold flavors go together like cheese and wine. Which, coincidently, are also on the menu. Where cocktails embolden a palate-pleasing culinary menu. Where guests and locals meet and share stories. Where unbound inspiration from around the world is placed on every plate. Dig into internationally acclaimed food and the freshest local ingredients, cooked up by top chefs from around the globe.

2GAT123 is a fictional license plate number that has appeared in a number of television shows and movies. It is used to prevent difficulties for a real person who might coincidentally have the same license plate number as one appearing in a movie. be457b7860

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