South Alabama Economic Roundtable

[American Rescue Plan]

Information Clearinghouse for Mobile's American Rescue Plan Funds

Mission of the project

The South Alabama Economic Roundtable is a group of leaders from the business, non-profit, and faith-based communities dedicated to the optimal implementation of the American Rescue Plan according to Executive Order 13985 - Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through the Federal Government.

American Rescue Plan Overview

Mental Health Recommendations

Affordable Housing Recommendations

Crime And Gun Violence Recommendations

Community Forum #1- Dearborn Street YMCA - July 19th, 2021

Community Forum #2 - Friendship Missionary Baptist Church - July 21st, 2021

SAER American Rescue Plan Funding Request Budget

The South Alabama Economic Roundtable's Budget Plan for allocating the funds from the American Rescue Plan directed at the City of Mobile.

SAER American Rescue Plan Budget Narrative

The narratives for line items found in the SAER American Rescue Plan funding request budget.

Executive Order 13985

This Executive Order advances racial equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government.

American Rescue Plan Act Provisions

A summary of the American Rescue Plan provisions of interest.

Example Uses of the American Rescue Plan Funds

Description of possible and legitimates uses for the Funds from the American Rescues Plan.

Frequently Asked Questions about the American Rescue Plan

Both documents contain answers to frequently asked questions regarding the distribution of funds to non-entitlement units of local government (NEUs) under the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF / CLFRF, or Fiscal Recovery Funds).

Economic Roundtable's Proposed ARP Allocations

The Community's ideas and plan for the use of funds from the American Rescue Plan.

City of Mobile Proposed ARP Allocations

Most recent view of the Mayor's plan for the funds from the American Rescue Plan.

Economic Roundtable Enrollment Form

Join our Roundtable and make your voice heard regarding the American Rescue Plan

Economic Roundtable's Multimedia Files

Check out our repository for multi-media files related to the quest for funding and pertinent information.



[PO Box 16324, Mobile, AL 36616]


to get more information on the project