SaddleBrooke Amateur RadioClub


To serve the community, promote the advancement of amateur radio and provide emergency communications.

Welcome to the SaddleBrooke Amateur Radio Club Website

Our Goals

Provide the SaddleBrooke community with a non-commercial radio communications service in times of emergency, disaster or public need.

Advance operator skills in radio communication and technical aspects of the art.

Promote fellowship and mentoring within the SaddleBrooke  amateur radio community.


Monthly meeting will be held in the middle of the month at 2 pm in the conference rooms

at either HOA1 or HOA2, which ever is available. Notifications of monthly meetings will

be announced by email to all members on the club roster.

Club officers

President, Ed Larsen, KI6R,, 916-768-3822

Vice President, Ron Cade, W6ZQ,, 714-460-3803

Secretary, Gabor Morocz, KM6JSR,

Photos, left to right. provided by  W2HHW, W6ZQ, W6ZQ/P DM14, W7BEB, KM6JSR + Vertical Antenna, W7TRA