Welcome this page about the world of sacred jewels. A jewel can be beautiful but also It can have meaning and special properties. It should have also a spiritual connection with the one who has it. It is part of some ancient knowledge that it is still alive.

The design of the jewels is something special, mystical and very powerful. We can find some of them in art. The price of these products is not low if if has some quality. Don't expect cheap prices when you are looking for products made of high quality jewels. Price is high for quality.

This type of jewel can be in a form of pendant, necklace, ring, bracelet or earring.

These jewels meaning is related with love, health and abundance and its powers are based on ancient beliefs. All this pieces are unique, this is not a cheap product. It is a beautiful and handmade art design for mens and women.

What is sacred geometry jewelry?

Sacred geometry jewelry is jewelry that is designed and created using sacred geometry principles. Sacred geometry is a term used to describe the geometric shapes, patterns, and symbols that are believed to have spiritual and sacred significance.

These shapes and patterns are often found in nature and are believed to reflect the underlying structure and order of the universe.

In the context of jewelry, sacred geometry may be incorporated into the design of the piece in a number of ways.

For example, the piece may be shaped like a sacred geometry symbol, such as a mandala or a flower of life, or it may feature sacred geometry patterns or symbols as part of the design.

Sacred geometry jewelry is often worn as a means of connecting with spiritual energy or for its perceived healing properties. It is often associated with spiritual or metaphysical practices and beliefs.

The divine geometry is the study of how all the things in the universe are connected throught shapes and patterns for example, the tree, the seed of life and the flower of life. They are some of the most important symbols of creation.

This type of jewel contains magic healing and protection properties. Also it has a deep spiritual meaning.

Sacred Geometry Pendants

These pendant or necklace are based on some of the patterns.

Metatron cube gold ring. Click to check price


These necklaces forms and materials are made from the patterns.


These rings are inspired on the nature shapes.


These earrings are inspided in some geometry patterns.


The flower of life is probably the most famous and important pattern in divine geometry.


The flower pendant is a special beautiful jewel with spiritual and healing properties. Check price clicking on images.


Inlaid gold pendant


Inlaid sterling silver pendant


The ring material can be gold or silver. Rings bring protection and healing to its carrier.

gold ring

Gold ring and healing tool

silver ring

SIlver ring and healing tool


They are made including the tree of life pattern. The necklaces are the most common and popular.


These are based on the figure of the seeds of life.


The metatron cube is another example.


In this shop you can enjoy free shipping in orders above 150$. For lower orders shipping cost is 20$. The delivery times is usually from 2 to 5 days. However, you have to wait first for the craft of the jewel.

Please remember that quality takes time. When you buy a high quality hand crafted object don't expect it to be delivered in one day.

Thanks for your patience.