Movimiento San Antonio: The Forgotten Activists of the Chicana/o Civil Rights Movement
Movimiento San Antonio: The Forgotten Activists of the Chicana/o Civil Rights Movement oral history project is an ongoing project where activists are finally being recognized for the work they did for Chicanas and Chicanos in the 1960's,70's, and 80's.
Students have interviewed over a dozen activists;
Mariano Aguilar, Sr., Rudy Sauceda, Evelyn Garcia, Maria Berriozabal, Mario Compean, Efrain Gutierrez and Rosie Castro have already been interviewed.
Oral History Group Interviews
Oral History Interview Legend
Movimiento San Antonio Legend
AIT-SCM - American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions
BBC - Bilingual Bicultural Coalition of Mass Media
CASA - Chicano Cultural Committee and Chicano Arts Students Association
CBB - Committee for Barrio Betterment
COPS - Communities Organized for Public Service
EDCPA - Edgewood District Concerned Parents Association
ETC - El Teatro Campesino
GGL - Good Government League
HOPE - Hispanic Organization for Political Education
LRUP - La Raza Unida Party
LULAC - The League of United Latin American Citizens
MABPW - Mexican-American Business and Professional Women's Club, Inc.
MADRES - Mothers Against Discriminatory Racism in Education and Society
MANCO - Mexican American Neighborhood Civic Organization
MAUC - Mexican American Unity Council
MAYO - Mexican American Youth Organization
MMP - Minority Mobilization Program
SASA - San Antonio Savings Association
SVREP - Southwest Voter Registration Education Project
TACHE - Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education
TDLB - Teatro de los Barrios
ViAztlan - San Antonio literary journal, international publication of arts + ideas
VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America