Feminizing My Little Brother Pt. 02

This is a work of fiction. All the characters are 18 years old or older. This is a direct Sequel to my previous work, Feminizing My Little Brother. In this story the feminization will continue but as always there's a lot of build up and this story is as much about Lynne's sexual journey as it is about Alex/Lexi. Enjoy.


Nick got up from the bed first, he was naked except for a pair of green boxers that were currently around his knees, he pulled them up when he stood. His cock was wet with my brother's saliva and his face and hands were wet from my pussy juices.

My brother Alex and I had woken my boyfriend up with a surprise blowjob and pussy in his face. Alex supplied the blowjob and it was my vagina that had been stuck in Nick's face. The plan was for Nick to believe that I was the one sucking his cock in a 69 position but our plan fell apart when I had an earth shattering orgasm thanks to Nick's newfound oral skills.

Once Nick noticed it was my brother sucking his dick instead of me he was shocked, for about half a second before he came into Alex's mouth. After that Alex swallowed Nick's cum before walking away, leaving the two of us in a post orgasmic haze that Nick was just starting to shake off.

"So are you going to tell me how or why that happened?" Nick chuckled as he used a shirt to wipe my juices from his chin and neck.

"Which part are you curious about? Why was Alex dressed in my clothes or the part where he sucked your dick?" I replied without getting up. After my first ever orgasm I was still too shell shocked to get up.

"Both, I mean I knew he was kinda girly but I just figured it was cause he lived with 3 girls. I didn't think he was gay." Nick went from wiping himself clean with the shirt to immediately wearing it.

I managed to sit up in bed. "I don't know, I noticed him watching us last night and I went to yell at him but he was so darn cute, he said some things and I felt like he needed to try playing with a real cock." I was still wearing a slutty party dress that was hiked up around my waist so my ass and pussy were sticking out. "He really enjoyed licking your cum off of my boobs last night so I told him he could get it from the source."

"No kidding?" Nick's gaze shifted to the direction of the door. " Should we go talk to him?"

I got up and went to the door. "Yeah, I am very curious how he thinks that went." The two of us left my room and walked down the hall to Alex's room. The door was open and he was sitting on the floor still wearing the sundress I'd lent him. He had the hem of dress pulled up over his crotch and the black thong I'd given him was around his left ankle. My panties were in a bundle around his cock and I could see the telltale stains of cum dripping out of the corner of them.

"Hey Alex, can we talk?" Nick said from over my shoulder. Alex's head shot to our direction and he looked embarrassed. He slid the dress back down over his crotch and sat up a little straighter.

"Lynne, is it okay?" Alex sheepishly avoided making eye contact with us. I turned and gave Nick a look that told him to give us space. Thankfully he got the message and backed off. I walked into Alex's room and closed the door behind me. When I sat on the floor next to Alex I was reminded of my naked ass when my privates rubbed against the carpet.

"Hey, so are you okay? Was it all you hoped it would be?" I leaned my shoulder against his and took his hand in mine.

"That was awesome, I just wish I didn't do this." He gestured at his crotch and the mess he made in my panties.

"Whaddya mean?" I questioned.

"Lynne, when guys cum they get like this guilty feeling about it afterwards. I'm really regretting everything right now." Alex got all embarrassed as his face turned red. I had never known Nick to feel guilty after an orgasm, usually he just got tired.

"It's okay, sweetie. If you don't want to do it again I won't force you to, you can keep all that if you want though." I gestured to the dress and the thong. "And even if you don't want them, I don't want those panties back." I pointed to his crotch.

Alex looked at me and laughed. "Sorry, I got carried away." His manner turned serious again but I was glad I could make him laugh. But I do really want to do it again. All of it, the clothes, the makeup." He paused, "The blowjob."

I put my arm around him and pulled him into a side hug. "What about what you said last night, about how you wish you'd been born a girl? Did you mean that?" I used my softest sister voice for him.

Alex looked away but leaned into my hug. "Yeah I did. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it weird. I just get so jealous of you and Ellie. I wish I could have been a girl too." His words were getting caught in his throat.

"No, it's not weird, you don't have to apologise. I love you and this doesn't change that." I put my other arm around the front of him to complete the hug. "Do you want to be my sister instead? I'll try my best to make you happy." I didn't really think he'd go for it but I could see the corner of a smile curl on the side of his face and he gave a small nod.

"Okay but you're going to need a new name, a more feminine name." I said as we held each other in our arms.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with my name?" Alex looked sheepish as his smile drooped.

"This is the beginning of your new life! You need to be reborn as someone new." I smiled, hoping that he would see my side.

"Alright, but I can't think of anything. Alex is a girl's name." He stopped frowning but wasn't quite smiling yet.

"No, it has to be new. Lexi, I'm going to call you Lexi. Does that sound good?" I held him at an arm's length and studied his reaction.

The smile came back across his face. "I really like that. Can you start calling me your sister? I want to feel like a real girl."

I turned and kissed the side of her head. "I love you Lexi. We're going to have so much fun with this."

I could tell her smile was genuine but there was worry behind it. "Thank you, Lynne. But are you sure? I don't know if I'm really ready." Lexi looked around nervously. "What will Mom say?"

"Forget about Mom. Now get cleaned up. We're going shopping, while I can give you some of my old clothes and stuff it's probably better for us to get you some of your own things." I stood up and looked down at her. She looked so fragile but there was a happiness there.

"What're you waiting for?" I joke yelled at her. "Get your ass moving, bitch." She got up off the floor and we both had a quick laugh. I turned to go when I noticed Nick's shadow under the door. He must have listened to our conversation, I wasn't really mad because it meant I didn't have to explain everything to him but I was a little disappointed that he didn't let us have our first sisterly bonding moment to ourselves.

I left Lexi there to change and I went to join Nick in the hall. He was looking confused but interested. "How'd that go?" He asked as I walked past him to go back to my room.

"It went well, I think. I have a new sister. From now on that's Lexi, not Alex. Understand?" I tried to say in a stern voice but in reality I was as confused as my boyfriend.

"What does that even mean? Like, he's transgender?" Nick stammered out.

"No, it means SHE is transgender. Please Nick, I just want her to be happy. If you treat her like the girl she wants to be, maybe she'll be inclined to suck your dick again." I added that last part in hopes that he'd give Lexi a chance. I could tell how good that blowjob made him feel and I wanted him to look at it in a positive way.

Nick stood there for a moment and thought about it before nodding his head. "Okay, I'll go along with it. For you babe." I could see through his shorts that he was starting to get an erection.

"Thank you," I walked over and gave him a kiss. "Now put some clothes on, we're going to take Lexi shopping." I turned away and went to find something for her to wear.

About 40 minutes later we were all piled into Nick's father's Jeep. Nick was driving and I was in the front while Lexi sat in the back. Nick, being the guy he was, just put on jeans and a flannel over the t-shirts he was already wearing. I had on black leggings and a black tank top with a short jean jacket that only went down half of my back. I tied my hair in a side ponytail and had on my typical dark themed makeup.

I had been the one to dress Lexi, luckily we were close enough to the same size that she could wear my clothes and they weren't too tight or loose. She was wearing a red and black plaid skirt with some cute thigh high black socks. I couldn't give her anything that would make it obvious that she had a penis, so leggings were out of the question. 2 pairs of my old panties helped keep it tucked.

For her top I dressed her in a skin tight turtleneck. It was a little warm but it hid her adam's apple and it helped showcase her brand new fake boobs. Courtesy of the bra I stuffed with socks. I did Lexi's makeup much more thoroughly then I had last night. It helped that I combed her hair in a way that covered her face from the sides so she was almost completely passable. If she kept quiet you could almost believe she was a real girl.

"So where are we going, Lynne?" Nick said as he put the car in reverse and started to back out of the driveway.

"Let's start with Goodwill, I also want to buy you your own makeup, but we can do that at any CVS." I looked at Lexi for approval.

"Um, can we please go to a Goodwill in a different town, please?" Lexi stammered out.

"Sure thing, sweetie. But you're going to have to try and get comfortable in your new skin." I looked back to Nick who put it in drive as we took off for the thrift store in the next town over. The car ride was uneventful, as always I turned the radio up and sang along with the classic rock that was Nick's favorite station. Lexi even chimed in when sweet child o mine came on. Her girl voice was terrible but the shrill lyrics sounded fine coming from her.

When we finally pulled into the parking lot I couldn't help but notice that there was a Lion's Den across the street. I cast a look at Nick, silently asking if he planned this. His smile told me everything. I turned around to see Lexi getting out of the car and heading towards the Goodwill. I guess she didn't see the adult store that was so conveniently located.

Lexi walked ahead of us into the store, as usual they had someone whose job it is to greet customers when they walk in. There was a sweet looking old lady who called out to Lexi. "Good morning, young lady." I watched as Lexi looked stunned and confused for a second before realizing that the woman was talking to her. That was about when Nick and I caught up.

"Good morning, ma'am." I smiled and waved back. She had already turned away but Lexi was beaming a bright smile at her. "Let's go, silly." I took her hand and moved into the store.

We went straight to the shoe rack first because it was closest to the entrance. I normally wore Converse and Alex usually wore my older pairs when I outgrew them so I had a pretty good idea of Lexi's shoe size. I only had a few pairs of high heels and most of them used to be Ellie's, the largest I had was only a 3 inch heel but I rarely ever wore them. I figured Lexi would like some more feminine shoes.

I figured correctly as her eyes lit up as she looked at all the beautiful high heeled shoes on the wall. She picked up a pair of what looked like 4 inch bright red pumps and held them against her foot to try and judge size. It looked like they were too big for her foot.

"Would you like to try them on? I think those heels are too tall for you but they're very pretty." I said in my most encouraging voice. I picked up a pair of 1 inch heels that I thought would be better for her. "How about these instead?" I handed her the shoes.

"Okay!" She said in a voice that was a little too masculine for her newly feminine appearance. "Thank you, Lynne." She spoke softer as she took the high heels from me. I looked around and it didn't seem like anyone was close enough to hear my sister's voice.

Lexi went over to the bench and removed her shoes and tried on the heels I'd suggested. Like I assumed, the ones she'd picked didn't fit her but the ones I'd picked for her did. She stood up and wobbled a few feet in them before stumbling back into the bench.

"Nice try, are they at least comfortable?" I laughed as Lexi pulled her hair in front of her face to hide her embarrassment. "If you want to learn how to walk in them you'll have to practice."

Lexi poked her eye out from the corner of her hair. "You think so?" She whispered. We were the only ones around but she was still very nervous about being in public like this.

"I know so, you wait here and I'll make Nick get us a cart." I left her to find my boyfriend. After a second of searching I found him looking at the DVDs near the front.

"See anything good?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Not really." He glanced over at me, " Where's Ale- I mean, where's Lexi?" He corrected himself.

"SHE is over by the shoes. I was hoping you could get us a cart, please?" I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thanks." I said before turning around and going back to Lexi before Nick could respond.

While I was gone Lexi had tried another pair of shoes that once again had heels way bigger than even I could handle. Luckily she wasn't trying to walk in them this time, just admiring them while sitting.

"Sexy," I said in regards to the shoes. "Do you want to look at clothes now? There's dresses over there, tops over there and skirts and pants down there." I pointed out to her each of the isles. It had been a while since I'd been here but the layout had not changed.

Lexi switched back to her original shoes and looked at each of the isles I'd suggested. "Can we start with the dresses? I really liked wearing the one from last night." Her feminine voice still needed a lot of work but she was getting better at speaking softly.

"Of course dear, I'll give these to Nick and I'll meet you over there." I took the shoes we were getting and went over to where Nick was watching us from a distance. He did have a cart and had a few things in it already.

I placed the high heels in his cart and he looked at me and said, "What are you doing that for? You want people to think I'm buying those for me?!"

"Then stand closer to us and you'll be fine." I said to him and he looked to relax a bit until I added, "We're going to look at the dresses now."

"Lynne, I can't go in the dress section, I'm a guy!" Nick whisper yelled at me. A nearby old man looked up at us and nodded at him.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away, "Fine, then let everyone think those heels are for you." And walked back to where Lexi was nervously eyeing dresses.

"You know it's okay for you to be here, even if you weren't dressed this cute no one would really care that you're looking at dresses." I said to try and comfort her. She quickly looked around to see if anyone was close enough to hear me but we were far enough away.

"Lynne, could you please not say stuff like that? I don't want people to know... you know..." and she pointed to her crotch, "That I'm not a real girl..."

"Oh hush," I said, giving her a quick hug, "You're cuter than a lot of 'real' girls I know. Now what kind of dress are you thinking about getting? You should probably try some on so we can figure out your size, it'll be a lot easier once we know what to pick."

Lexi had her eyes on a little black dress with lace around the hem and a deep neckline. I took it off the wall and held it against her so she could see it. The dress ended right above her knees and had short sleeves that wouldn't have covered her shoulders. The biggest concern for me was the neckline.

I could tell she liked it but I had to mention, "Lexi you don't have the cleavage to pull off something like this. We can try it on but I don't think it's what you need." She took the dress anyway.

"Please, it's such a cute dress." She whined at me and gave me a look of desperation.

"Yeah, I think that'd look sexy on you, Alex." Nick commented from where he stood with his elbows leaning on the cart.

Lexi looked at him then back at me, "Please, Lynne." She clutched the dress like it was a life preserver.

"Why are you both ganging up on me? I didn't say she couldn't try it, I just said she doesn't have the cleavage to pull it off, of course you can try it. Put the dress in the cart and let's pick out a few more before going to the fitting room." I turned back to the wall of dresses and looked for something that I thought would suit her better.

Lexi went to put the dress in Nick's shopping cart. "Thanks Nick, uh, could you please call me Lexi now?" She didn't quite look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, uh, sorry Ale- Lexi." Nick fumbled out. The two of them used to be pretty close friends. That was one of the reasons Nick and I were such a good couple, I always loved how he and Alex got along when the three of us were together. I thought it was bizarre the way they were acting like strangers around each other now.

"Lexi, what do you think about this dress?" I said to pull her away from the awkward exchange she was having with my boyfriend.

The dress was a little longer than the black one she had picked out but the bottom was flared so her thighs would be slightly visible when she walked. This dress was red with black stripes, or possibly black with red stripes. The neckline was what drew me to it, completely closed so that no cleavage would show. It wasn't until I took it off the wall that I realized the back was open beneath the shoulders. With half sleeves down to the forearms this was a sexy little dress and if Lexi wasn't interested I would definitely buy it for myself.

Any thoughts I had about wearing this dress myself went away when I saw Lexi's reaction to it. Her eyes lit up and she took the dress from me and held it against her body, it looked like it would fit her perfectly. She went to the closest mirror and looked at herself with it. She looked to be the happiest I've ever seen her.

While my sister was mesmerized by this amazing dress I had found for her I continued to look at the dresses for anything else she might like. I found another sundress similar to the one she wore this morning. This one was orange with a purple flower pattern on it and was cute enough that I knew Lexi would like it.

Next I found a denim dress for her that had long sleeves with openings around the shoulders, it was another one that was very short and I hoped it would be long enough to hide Lexi's secret. But the dress was very sexy and I was willing to take that chance because I knew it could be mine if she didn't like it.

The last dress I picked out for Lexi was a bit modest compared to the first 4. This black velvet dress went down to just past my knees and even though Lexi was a little taller than me it would still look conservative on her, which I figured she needed at least one dress that didn't show a lot of skin. Plus who doesn't love the feel of velvet?

With the dresses in tow we made our way to the fitting room, thankfully there was no one else trying anything on at the moment. I knew Lexi would prefer privacy. Nick parked the cart in front of the door and stood there while Lexi and I scooped out the 5 dresses. She insisted on taking all of them in with her so I helped her carry them in. Then I closed the door behind me so Lexi could change in peace.

"So Lynne, I was thinking." Nick casually started talking as we both stood next to each other by the shopping cart. "Maybe we should go to the Lions Den after we're done here. We could get some fun stuff for us and I'm sure Lexi could find something she'll like." We didn't make eye contact as he spoke, we just stared out into the store.r"