Meat on the TableInformationArtist/Performed byJim JohnstonUsed byRybackDates UsedAugust 13, 2012 - May 1, 2016Meat on the Table was a theme song used by Ryback. He used the theme from August 13, 2012 - May 1, 2016.

When WWE puts makeshift tag teams together, fans wonder if they are going to be successful or flop. The majority of makeshift teams have turned out to be great. However, there are many times when Jim Johnston's iconic theme songs have been mixed for tag teams to still have their same theme song but in a different iteration.

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Entrance music is important as it distinguishes wrestlers from other teams. Sometimes, when there is a makeshift tag team being formed, they tend to use the bigger star's theme song. As time goes on, and with little time instead of a whole new theme song being made, the easy option has been to put two wrestlers' entrance themes together.

The formation of Randy Orton and Riddle epitomizes how oddball tag teams can work. Orton cuts a serious figure, and Riddle is laid-back. Nevertheless, the current Raw Tag Team Champions are called RK-Bro and they debuted their new theme song on the November 1, 2021, edition of Raw.

Orton's "Voices" and Riddle's "Hey Bro" entrance theme songs have meshed together and it works perfectly. When it's time to work inside the squared circle, RK-Bro has proven to be a good tag team, and it's interesting to see how long they will last as WWE have a knack for breaking up tag teams.

The Big Red Machine would walk to the ring with his "Out Of The Fire" entrance blaring through the speakers, and it would transition into Undertaker's "Rollin'" theme song. The Brothers of Destruction captured the World Tag Team Championship twice, and during their second reign, they held the WCW Tag Team Championship simultaneously.

Dupree and Suzuki wasted no time in capturing the WWE Tag Team Championship from Billy Kidman and Paul London. They held the gold for three months but Dupree's La Resistance theme song and Suzuki's were mixed. The opening of Suzuki's song would transition into Dupree's entrance song with the majority of Dupree's theme taking precedence but Suzuki's song was a constant presence in the background.

Jeri-Show incorporated a new theme song called "Crank the Walls Down" by Maylene and the Sons of Disaster. This was a great theme song that had lyrics from both of their respective "Break the Walls Down" and "Crank it Up" theme songs. Two former world champions working as a cohesive unit was a great idea with both men thriving on working together.

Ultimately, this run went nowhere for the team and it felt like a missed opportunity with Luger seeking greener pastures by heading to WCW in the fall of 1995. Their entrance song was a mixture of Bulldog's trademark "Rule Britannia" song, and Luger's final WWE entrance song before he became the Total Package.

Unfortunately, both were floundering on the card, and they were just thrown together. Their chemistry was good but no one was invested in the team. However, their theme song "Meat On the Perfect Table" had the intro of Ryback's theme followed by the trumpet of Axel's "Reborn" theme.

Leading into WrestleMania 20 season, Booker T and Rob Van Dam formed an unlikely but successful partnership. On the WWE Original soundtrack album that was released in 2004, Booker T altered his "Rap Sheet" in favor of his new theme song called "Can You Dig It?"

Booker briefly used this song to promote the album, and he was the co-holder of the World Tag Team Championship with Rob Van Dam. Booker's "Can You Dig It?" would play and RVD's "One of a Kind" song by Breaking Point would break up the song. It was a decent theme song but their partnership halted when they were both drafted to SmackDown

Their theme song "Crank It Up/I Came To Play" was catchy. The majority of the theme song was Miz's "I Came To Play" and parts of Show's "Crank It Up" entrance song was played, and the random part of Big Show's name was shouted out in the theme song.

This was the perfect use of a mixed theme song with Cody and Goldust's legendary entrance music being played. Their theme song meshed was called "Gold and Smoke." The pair had an outstanding rivalry with The Shield which led to the brothers beating The Shield for the WWE Tag Team Championship.

Two iconic theme songs in "Metalingus" and "Burn in My Light" were mixed. Their entrance would begin with the Rated-R Superstar's "You Think You Know Me?" and the intro before it changed to Orton's song. Throughout, the theme their songs would go back and forth but it was a great mix. They won the World Tag Team Championship and their feud with DX was outstanding but cut short because of Triple H's injury.

2. What is the CONFLICT of the scene/moment? Stories and Characters only move forward through conflict. Therefore, as I mentioned above, if a musical moves forward via song, then it stands to reason that the song will rely heavily on the conflict of the scene. Who is in conflict with whom or what? What actions are taken to move beyond the conflict? Sometimes, a character is in conflict with herself, and therefore the song moment becomes a soliloquy, working out his thoughts or emotions before us.

4. What is the underlying emotion of the song moment? Is it pain? Fear? Anger? Sadness? Joy? Trepidation? How specific you are will help inform your song structure, your lyrical diction, and your choice of musical palette. Music is in and of itself an emotional medium. Identifying the emotion you want to communicate will allow you to be more intentional and effective in doing so.

There are definitely other questions you might think of asking as well. Likely your characters and given circumstances will open up avenues specific to them. Explore them all as you write the best possible musical theatre song. 0852c4b9a8

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