Ryan "OD" O'Donoghue Memorial Fund

This Fund was founded in honor of Ryan O’Donoghue, who passed away suddenly on April 13, 2020 due to an undetected genetic heart condition. Ryan graduated from Freehold Township High School in 2019, where he played football and lacrosse. He was a freshman at Rowan University.

Even though Ryan was only 19 years old, he had an incredible impact on so many lives. He was an outstanding young man who was kind, caring and a true friend to everyone he met. He took so much joy from being with his family and friends. Ryan would brighten up every room he walked into and had the ability to make everyone smile. He was a true teammate both on and off the field.

School did not come easy for Ryan, but his strong work ethic and perseverance helped him to be successful in his classes. Ryan knew how important education was and how many opportunities it would provide him in life.

The goal of this fund is to provide scholarships to students who embody Ryan’s kindness, compassion, perseverance, and love of sports. In addition, we would like to sponsor families in need during the holiday season.

We are currently working on creating and improving this page. In the meantime, if you would like more information about the OD Fund, please see our facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Ryan-OD-ODonoghue-Memorial-Foundation-343863853568822