Sample Match Play Scorecard

RWGC Match Play is based on points won or tied during a "Match for Points Marathon" round.  Handicaps are used to provide a level playing field between players. 

The HDCP row on the scorecard contains a number from 1-18 to indicate hardest to easiest holes on the course. In the sample scorecard below, Lulubelle has a lower handicap (20) than Cutiepie (30).   For this match, Lulubelle is referred to as the "scratch" player.  Cutiepie receives 10 handicap strokes (30-20), which are noted by asterisks on her scorecard for the 10 hardest holes in the Strokes/Hole row.   

As each hole is played, actual scores are recorded in the Your Score row of the scorecard for both players  For each hole, the Net row is computed and then recorded by subtracting the number of asterisks noted in Strokes/Hole from the actual score (Your Score).  

The Points row is used to compute and record the number of match points earned for each hole by each player:

At the end of the round, the following totals are computed and recorded in the last column of the scorecard for both players:  

Sample Match Play Scorecard