Rust Verification Workshop

Apr 7, 9 and 12, 2021

online from 1600 - 1810 GMT

co-located with ETAPS 2021

Rust is a new programming language for writing performant code with strong type and memory safety guarantees. It is now considered a serious alternative to C and C++ for systems programming, because it provides high-level abstractions but without the cost of garbage collection. Given the growing popularity of Rust, and given that bugs in systems programs can be costly, there is growing interest in the program verification community for building program verifiers for Rust. In this workshop, we aim to bring together language designers, application developers and formal verification tool builders, to exchange ideas and build collaborations around developing verified Rust programs. The workshop will solicit 2-page submissions for presentations; the workshop format will be a mix of invited talks, presentations and tool demos. There will be no proceedings, though we plan to collect presentation slides and make them available on the workshop site after the meeting.


Viewing Talks:

Please register for workshops on the ETAPS registration site to get the Zoom link for the workshop.

Workshop Schedule

Call for Talk and Demo Proposals

We solicit proposals for contributed talks and tool demos. Proposals should be at most 2 pages, in either plain text or PDF format, and should specify how long a talk/demo the speaker wishes to give. By default, contributed talks will be 30 minutes long, but proposals for shorter or longer talks will also be considered.

We are interested in talks/demos on all topics related to the verification of Rust programs (including, for instance, program specification, deductive verification, model checking, symbolic execution, runtime monitoring, the semantics and formalization of Rust, and tool support). Talks about work in progress as well as proposals for challenge problems in Rust are particularly encouraged.

Please submit proposals by email to

Important Dates:

  • 15 January, 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline

  • 25 January, 2021: Notification of Acceptance

  • 7, 9 and 12 April, 2021: Workshop

Note: Since ETAPS is now going to be held virtually, the workshop will be virtual as well. Stay tuned for details.

Workshop web site:


  • Rajeev Joshi, Amazon Web Services <>

  • Nicholas Matsakis, Amazon Web Services <>

  • Peter Müller, ETH Zurich <>