Japan has been free from rabies since 1958 and various preventive measures are in place protecting the country from the introduction of the disease. Historical reviews indicate that the illegal landing of dogs from Russian fishing boats in the ports of Hokkaido occurred frequently especially in the early 2000s and this could potentially be a source of introduction of rabies into Japan. The method of scenario tree modelling was used and the following entry and exposure pathway was considered the most likely route of rabies entry: a rabies-infected dog arriving on a Russian fishing boat lands in a port of Hokkaido in Japan, it becomes infectious, contacts and infects a susceptible domestic animal (companion dog, stray dog or wildlife). Input parameter values were based on surveys of Russian fishermen, expert opinion and scientific data from the literature. At present (2006-2015), the probability of the introduction of rabies as a result of one Russian fishing boat arriving at a port of Hokkaido is 8.3310(-10) (90% Prediction Interval (PI): 7.1510(-11)-5.3410(-9)), while this probability would have been 7.7010(-9) (90% PI: 6.4010(-10)-4.8110(-8)) in the past (1998-2005). Under the current situation (average annual number of boat arrivals is 1106), rabies would enter Japan every 1,084,849 (90% PI: 169,215-20,188,348) years, while the disease would have been introduced every 18,309 (90% PI: 2929-220,048) years in the past (average annual number of boat arrivals is 7092). The risk of rabies introduction has decreased 59 fold due to both the effective control of the issue of illegal landing of dogs and the decline in the number of Russian boat arrivals. Control efforts include education of Russian fishermen, establishment of warning signs, daily patrols and regular port surveillance of potential dog landing activity. Furthermore, scenario analysis revealed that the policy of mandatory domestic dog vaccination does not contribute effectively to Japan's rabies prevention system under rabies-free situation. Although the current risk of rabies introduction is minimal, control measures against the illegal landing of dogs must be maintained. Further risk management measures, such as the removal of wildlife from the port area and regular monitoring of the rabies situation in Russia (particularly the easternmost regions), can be established to strengthen the current rabies prevention system in Hokkaido.

Under the new plan, only fishing vessels exclusively conducting fisheries under the bilateral agreement between the Faroe Islands and Russia will be allowed to enter Faroese Ports. Further, the activities of Russian fishing vessels in port will be restricted to crew change, bunkering, provisioning, landing, and transshipment. Services related to maintenance will be prohibited and the purchase of goods restricted.

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This measure is part of the wider sanctions by the Faroe Islands against Russia for the ongoing aggression in Ukraine. In April, it was revealed that a report linked the Russian fishing vessels to spying activity. The investigation by newspapers in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway tracked Russian maritime surveillance efforts and said that military radios had been found aboard at least two trawlers.

The Faroe Islands' decision to sanction Russian fishing vessels comes months after it recently renewed with Russia a bilateral fisheries agreement for 2023. The agreement stipulates that Faroese can fish cod, in particular, in the Barents Sea, while the Russians can fish pelagic fish, such as herring and mackerel, in Faroese waters.

Norway, another major stakeholder in the North-East Atlantic fisheries, also enacted a ban on Russian vessels since May 2022. The sanction was further extended in October 2022, limiting port access for Russian fishing vessels except for three ports including Tromso, Kirkenes, and Botsfjotd.

government services and state property management in fishing, the protection, sustainable use, study, preservation and reproduction of marine biological resources and their habitats, as well as fish farming (aquaculture), commercial fisheries, the production of fish and other products from marine biological resources, the navigational safety of fishing fleets and safety of search-and-rescue operations in fishing areas while fishing, as well as production activities on board fishing vessels and at seaport terminals designed for the comprehensive servicing of fishing vessels.

Small-scale fishermen in many developing countries suffer from governments that are unable or unwilling to police their waters, yet are happy to sell fishing rights to foreign industrial fleets, often pocketing a few bribes along the way. It is encouraging that Senegal looks intent on overcoming these ills.

Amongst the 29 foreign trawlers that lost their licences to fish off Senegal in 2012 were nine Russian vessels, several of them with a record of IUU fishing. The Russian Federal Fisheries Agency (RFFA) has never seemed very interested in ensuring its fleet off West Africa fishes legally. When Greenpeace publicized the 2012 incident with the Oleg Naydenov, the Agency at first denied anything illegal had happened, and then refused to explain why not after being presented with detailed evidence. The Vice Prime Minister also failed to respond to a letter from Greenpeace Russia asking him to put an end to illegal fishing by Russian vessels off West Africa.

tag_hash_107MOSCOW -- Russia vowed Thursday to continue searching a vast area of the frigid Sea of Okhotsk for 13 people missing after a fishing trawler sank, killing at least 56 of the 132 people on board.

Rescued crew members reported that the ship was unstable because of empty fuel tanks and a lack of ballast, and tipped over when a fishing net weighing 80 tons was pulled in, said Oleg Kozhemyako, acting governor of the nearby Sakhalin region.

About 26 fishing boats and 1,300 fishermen and emergency workers were taking part in the rescue operation, scouring the water for survivors and bodies even after darkness fell, said Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov.

The fishing boats have recovered 56 bodies so far. The Interfax news agency quoted a local emergency services representative as saying two of the bodies were found Thursday evening -- one in a lifeboat 65 miles away and the other in the waters nearby.

Alaska Airlines Cargo added capacity and efficiency moving cargo last year. With the addition of a 737-800BCF last November, and another in line for early this year, Alaska's 2024 fishing season will have a full complement of five cargo aircrafts -- two new carriers of 50,000 lb. capacity added to three smaller cargo aircrafts, each with 40,000 lb. payloads.

The meeting addressed the issue of exempting from tax and customs obligations fishing vessels that have been purchased, built, or renovated but have not passed through customs registration. Fishing vessels that have been bought, repaired, or reequipped at foreign dockyards are to be exempt from VAT and import customs duties until 1 January, 2013. Arkady Dvorkovich gave these instructions to federal executive bodies, partly in order to work through these issues in the relevant bodies of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Community.

The commission also supported measures strengthening the presence of the Russian fishing fleet in foreign zones and convention areas of the global ocean. The measures include creating educational programmes for foreign applicants, expanding scientific research of marine bioresources in prospective development areas of the global ocean, as well as intensifying cooperation with coastal countries and activities of international organisations that monitor and regulate the extraction of marine bioresources.

"In the fishing area for pelagic objects (sardine, mackerel, saury), The Vsevolod Sibirtsev floating base is typically located in the fishing area for the surface water sardine, mackerel and saury varieties, and it which accepts catches (raw materials) for processing from Russian fishing vessels that operate at sea and are not equipped with processing facilities. Additionally, foreign ships that fish for saury on the high seas outside Russian waters also deliver raw materials, and they have permission to cross the border," the ministry said in the statement.

Citing the Pacific branch of the Russian Research Institute for Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) (TINRO), which is a federal state budgetary scientific institution, Rosrybolovstvo the previous day said that Russian vessels had not started fishing for saury, and that it was unlikely that the fish would enter the Russian economic zone this year.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Artemyev, you wanted to report to me on the situation in the petrochemicals market and the efforts that your agency is taking to create a more favourable market environment in the Far East, including in the fishing industry.

As for the Far East, Mr President, this is a major issue. In the 1990s the Russian fishing industry was rather neglected, unfortunately, and it appears that many foreign companies secretly bought up our fleet.

The first chapter briefly introduces basic characteristics of the

country: geography, population and economics. The second chapter is dedicated to the national capture fisheries; in particular the main fishing regions and the status of the Russian fishing fleet. The chapter also gives an overview of the most important farmed species (trout, carp, sturgeon, whitefish and scallop) and the latest trends in the national aquaculture sector. 17dc91bb1f

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