When it is boiled down, ruqyah is really just (when done correctly) asking the Creator of all things to heal you. Of course, as Muslims, we are also supposed to seek modern medical help. Islam is not Christian Science, people.

In sh Allah I would be happy to read the next part, I feel concerned about that jinn matter as I was told that I have one attached to me too.

(You can delete my previous comment Theresa as I hit the enter button without having finished my sentence)

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Muslims who perform healing do not have the abilities to see the future. The jinn also do not have the ability to see the future. Believing that a person has the power to see the future or that they have knowledge of the future will constitute Shirk. However, if such beliefs are not held by a person, it will not constitute Shirk. Hence, in this case if a person heals you through the assistance of the Jinns, then this would not bring about Shirk.

We have dedicated this page to exploring some of the common myths in circulation regarding Ruqyah and shedding some light on possible risks - and hopefully preventing you from getting scammed by 'religious looking' people. One should know that many cases of so called possession are due to psychological illness, mistakenly understood to be spirit-possession. The reason behind the prevalence of this misconception to some extent, is the practice of some exorcists (raaqis) who have made exorcism a way of obtaining money from the common masses. They convince people into believing that they have been possessed by jinn as a way of earning money in the name of treatment.

When discussing the world of the jinn and unseen (Gha'ib), it is worth remembering that Islam came to remove superstitions and false beliefs. However, we find in the world of Ruqyah and jinn, those who have a tendency to believe in superstitions, are being drawn to this subject and misguiding themselves as well as others, commonly making statements without any basis. So be very mindful of what you are told in terms of the subject of jinn and do not allow yourself to be drawn into false beliefs.

As we can see the Hadith is clearly indicating suspicion or a false impression. Even if this Hadith is taken literally it does not make any distinction between those who are affected by jinn and those who are not. It is referring to all human beings. Therefore, it cannot be taken as evidence to suggest that the shayateen jinn reside in the veins of the patient. Furthermore, many Raaqis prescribe hijama for the purpose of eliminating the jinn or sihr from the veins of a patient. However, any hijama therapist will know that hijama is not performed directly on the veins! Medically speaking hijama draws stagnated blood from the body, not healthy blood from the veins, which would actually defeat the purpose of hijama.

Another myth we hear of is when hijama is carried out on patients, certain practitioners claim that the steamed cups and bubbling blood is a sign of black magic or jinn. This is simply not the case. Below is a simple video experiment demonstrating what happens to any liquid once you create a vacuum suction around it.

The patient does not feel the pain is probably one of the most prominent myths in Ruqyah. This one myth alone has led some raaqis to practically humiliate the patient or cause such extreme pain that the patient declares "I am cured" just to escape the raaqi. This is a common belief held by many raaqis which generally leads them to use evermore physical methods, even though the vast majority of evidence suggests otherwise. Patients may scream that they are experiencing pain but these medieval ruqyah practitioners continue in denial and claim that it is the jinn experiencing the pain and not the patient. In some unfortunate cases people have been killed by raaqis who will still insist the patient did not feel the pain.

Ruqyah baths with normal temperature water are an effective means for certain types of jinn. However some raaqis appear to just relish in seeing their patients in agony. This is simply a dangerous practise for whatever reason these raaqis seem to believe you can boil a jinn out of a patient, or freeze it to death.

Many Raaqis use this under a patients nose and say that the jinn dislike them. However if you were to hold these under anyones nose they would also dislike it just as much. There have been cases where raaqis have damaged the lining of a persons nose because they have held these salts under them for for too long.

Many raaqis, when they fail to cure the patient, they claim the magic is being repeated and create an impression that the magician is watching them all the time. Sitting day and night just dedicated to ruin their life. This is a classic story used by raaqis who fail to remove the jinn. Rather than admit they could not get it out they just blame the magician again. The Raaqi has no proof that the magic has been redone. He did not see the magician redo it, so how does he know? Simply because the jinn is still there, is the proof being offered that the magic has been 'redone'. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this is happening and to make matters worse, it is causing further trauma to the patient, who envisages someone going to a magician again and again, to destroy his or her life and the lives of their family.

Briefly, jinn catching is a method used whereby the raaqi claims to draw out the jinn from the body of the patient, by using the verses of the Quran into a 3rd party, who is designated the 'jinn catcher'. The first thing to note is that the raaqi recites on the 3rd party i.e the catcher, as opposed to on you, the patient. The patient should know that what appears to have been 'caught' or turns up in the catcher, has not been proven at all to be related to the patient. This is just a myth and at times it may appear to know some facts regarding the patient but this in no way proves the jinn is from the patient.

The proponents of this method claim that when the jinn is captured inside the body of the catcher, it is out of its comfort zone and therefore it is much weaker and is easily destroyed or converted. Every now and then the catcher raises his index finger, to suggest that the jinn, which has entered his body has taken the Shahada etc.

1. You will be told that you have eaten the Sihr and prescribed senna tea and Ruqyah water / baths for two weeks, to supposedly clear this Sihr from the body.

2. You will be requested to undergo Ruqyah and hijama treatment in combination. After following this treatment for the prescribed time and finding you still have the jinn with you:

3. You will be advised the Sihr has been 'redone' so you need go to step 1 again.

Any independent observer to jinn catching will notice that the vast majority of jinn that turn up in the catcher, are all saying a similar story i.e the person has eaten the Sihr. And most people are put through a standard program with standard claims. Unfortunately, when patients find that their case has not been resolved and they are still left with the jinns in their body, they are told by the raaqi that the reason is because the magic has been 'redone' and they need to repeat the treatment. Thereby the patient is left going in circles without any progress. The magic 'being repeated' myth has been explained above, as this is a standard claim used by many raaqis in almost any situation in which they do not know what to do.

Thus, Allah does not reveal any information of the Gha'ib to anyone except to His Messengers from amongst humans and angels. Allah has restricted this information because reporting about the Gha'ib is among the signs of prophethood. Allah revealed many matters of the Gha'ib to our Prophet Muhammad (saw) who informed us of them, like the angels, jinn, hereafter and others. It is important to mention here that even the Messenger of Allah (saw) did not have the absolute knowledge of the Gha'ib. He only knew that which was revealed to him through revelation from Allah.

An example is when the Arabs went on a journey of business or significance they used to release birds into the air and if it flew to the right is was deemed good luck and if the bird flew to the left it was deemed bad luck. May Allah protect us from such nonsense and so please be mindful of unfounded statements regarding the jinn as most of these statements have no value in islam despite making interesting talk time in coffee shops. But if one is not careful seemingly innocent statements can become a cause for a person slowly stepping into shirk as the Quran states: "O you who have believed, do not follow the footsteps of Satan."

1. Concern over children, without confirmed symptoms. This can include medical problems that don't seem to have an answer, or a general feeling that they have been afflicted by the evil eye, or that they are "just not themselves." I do not recommend a full ruqyah programme for children at this stage; rather, I would recommend the 7 day programme, missing out the honey for children less than one year of age. The reading can be done by the parent, and the programme is generally well tolerated in people of all ages.

2. Confirmed symptoms, without a strong reaction from the child, and without the jinn taking over. Symptoms can be as a result of treatment in the first case mentioned above, or when the child is displaying clear symptoms, but without a jinni/ manifesting itself. For these children, I recommend the full ruqyah programme, but the ruqyah can be performed in a very passive way. That means that the child doesn't have to sit like a statue, and there should be nothing that will scare the child, such as shouting. There is no need for the hijaamah section to be applied either. For the majority of children, I have found that this treatment is enough to get rid of all symptoms, without any discomfort to the child, and without any of the usual jinn-related antics.

3. Severe cases, in which the jinn takes over the child, and the child becomes either extremely vocal, and even violent. Once again, I would recommend the full ruqyah programme, without hijaamah, but it may be necessary to be a little more active, keeping the child near, and pushing the ruqyah a little more. 2351a5e196

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