Synchronize ultimate allows you to sync anything on your phone to a document provider which luckily the seafile app implements. Just take care not to dump a million files into one directory, as the app will take forever to sync.

So i went the way to synchronize with a location at my file system on my PC and let Seafile synch that in the cloud. Now i am sitting with my Android Smartphone with installed Joplin trying to synch my Joplin PC with my Android Joplin.

Seafile Android Download Location


Great idea! but would love it to support mobile clients like Android where the storage space savings could be enormous and let you, for instance, keep a media library on the seafile server and stream it as needed (when on wifi or if one has a big data plan)

FileCloud gives you more control over your data and much more security compliant features. Just like Seafile, FileCloud also provides cross platform file sync, mobile file access via android and ios, network drive client, permission controls, file versioning, multiple security levels, backup and data recovery and much more. FileCloud provides much more control with features like full text search, federated search, ransomware protection, powerful admin, superior user interface and better customer support than Seafile as the best alternative to Seafile.

A side by side comparison clearly shows FileCloud as the better seafile alternative than OwnCloud or Nextcloud. Seafile pricing varies by license type & volume, which is the same model followed by OwnCloud & NextCloud. The data security aspect is an interesting area for competitive analysis. Seafile 2fa support for two factor authentication along with seafile file locking makes for a decent security cover. OwnCloud & NextCloud also offer security features similar to Seafile cloud. The Seaile api upload file functionality is an example of a feature that stands out as unique in Seafile vs NextCloud or Seafile vs OwnCloud comparison. Overall, FileCloud features and functionalities exceeds that offered by Seafile, OwnCloud or NextCloud.

my App has a camera photo backup service. When user turned on the service, it will automatically backup sd-card photos to remote server. But when user shut down android OS and boot again, the backup service failed to start again.

unfortunately there is no test version of the android app available. I would like to know, if there is a photo viewer integrated in the cryptomator android app. So that I could open a photo and could wipe forward and backwards to other photos of the same folder. If yes, is the view full screen or nearly full screen? And is there any photo preview in order to quickly find photos in a folder?

I would like to know, if there is a photo viewer integrated in the cryptomator android app. So that I could open a photo and could wipe forward and backwards to other photos of the same folder. If yes, is the view full screen or nearly full screen? And is there any photo preview in order to quickly find photos in a folder?

Seafile needs some information about your setup before you start the services for the first time. This includes details like the domain name and the database configuration. To initiate the series of question prompts to provide this information, you can run the script, which is included in the archive you extracted in the previous step.

After providing the password, the script will request the names of the Seafile databases. Use ccnetdb, seafiledb, and seahubdb for this tutorial. The script will then verify if there is a successful connection to the databases before proceeding to display a summary of the initial configuration.

If you are interested in receiving pre-release information and early access to Seafile with integrated CloudSuite, please contact, or

But I can't save any changes from Keepass to the Seafile server. I doensn't work from any of the 3 devices. I always get an error message like: "Failed to save the current database to the specitic location! The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. The target file might be corrupted. Please try saving again...".

I have several services running on my server (caldav, cardav, seafile, etc.). I can't connect to any of them because of the certificate issue. I already searched the forums, but nothing really applied or solved this issue.

AFAIU, owncloud and seafile are mutually exclusive.@wombat77, could you highlight the pros and cons of each product?We could offer two options, with a clear document to help the end user choosing the best product for his needs.

At this location, we use OwnCloud application on the in-house NethServer. We find it integrates easily and sync with the calendar function in Thunderbird/Lightning. Our main function though is to have a file store where we and our customers can upload/download files, using desktops, tablets, etc. For this requirement it works very well.

The seafile.conf contains all settings for the Seafile daemon and the fileserver. In this file, you can, for example, set the default quota for all users, modify the rules for emptying trash and define the maximum file size for uploads to Seafile. You find more information about the configuration options in seafile.conf in the Seafile Manual.

Generally speaking, a backup solution endorsed by Univention is recommended. For more information on backing up a UCS system, consult the Univention Wiki. If you want to run a simple backup of the Seafile container via the console, then just save the contents of the path /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/seafile/.

What is 3-2-1 backup? It means you should have at least three copies of your data. Your data should be on at least two different mediums. At least one of those copies needs to be at a remote location.

Remove the '--must-staple' from command line if you don't want the OCSP Must-Staple flag in your certificate. Replace the '' to your domain name. Obtain the certificate as user 'certbot'. Answer the questions.

Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it seafile. Follow the instructions in the image below.

 Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.

Now create two new folders inside the seafile folder that you created at STEP 10 and name them data and db. Follow the instructions in the image below.

 Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters.

Go to the /volume1/seafile/data/seafile/conf folder, then double click on the file. Copy then paste the code below at the end of the file, then add your own DDNS with https at the beginning that you have previously created at STEP 6. After you have added the code below, save the settings by clicking X. Follow the instructions in the image below.

Log into the server and create a system user which will run Seafile. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll call this system user seafileadmin. Of course, you can choose any name, just make sure to adjust the commands accordingly:

Several users reported issues when trying to install Seafile on a Ubuntu Server. The issue seems to be related to MySQL 8, which uses caching_sha2_password as default authentication plugin. This is being solved by creating the MySQL user seafileadmin with the authentication plugin mysql_native_password, as described in the section above.

At the time of writing, Seafile 9.0.5 doesn't support the 1.15.0 version of the cffi module, which comes bundled with Ubuntu 22.04. For this reason, it hasn't been deployed together with the other Python modules in the previous step. Instead, we'll apply a temporary workaround. After setting the right permissions for the seafileadmin user (adjust accordingly), we'll install version 1.14.6 of the cffi module in the thirdpart folder:

The first time Seahub starts, it will ask to set up an administrator account. For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll provide the administrator email Of course, any other suitable email address will do. Just make sure to adapt the relevant commands accordingly. When prompted, provide a strong, unique password.

Administrators have full access to Seafile. They can add, edit and remove files & folders as well as users. In addition, administrators can maintain and update the website. In our example, the administrator seafileadmin was created during the installation of the Seafile server.

While there has been documentation on how to enable HTTPS for seafile in *nix environment. There is no documentation for doing this on windows. Looking at the nginx implementation, it is essentially doing a reverse proxy. This is something that IIS+URL Rewrite can easily achieve! Before we proceed, take a look and understand the reverse proxy requirements found at -Https-on-Seafile-web-with-nginx I will not go into steps on how to generate your own SSL cert, but rather focus on how to use IIS to reverse proxy the necessary ports. Requirements

Via the JGU Mainz offers a central sync-and-share-platform (like DropBox and other cloud-services) for students and staff at all universities and colleges in Rhineland-Palatinate. The Data is saved on our own servers and will not be given to external service providers. That is why seafile is a legal and data securing alternative to the commercial services.

Every student gets 20 GB and every staff member 100 GB of central storage space for free. You do not need a special registration. You can not just share your data and work on it with other students or staff members, you can also share it with collegues of other research facilities.

This is what I see when I attempt to save an audio file into Nextcloud from another app. Nothing works unless I have a wifi / data connection, but Nextcloud does show up on a browsable location on my device. Sadly that Nextcloud directory in the Browse app returns the same error.

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