I googled the issue but the common solutions like untick work offline (it is already) don't work and it is an http request not https so _microsoft_excel_support_team_blog/archive/2011/11/15/quot-cannot-download-the-information-you-requested-quot-executing-web-query-from-excel.aspx does also not apply.

I have been researching a similar problem. I get the "Cannot download the information you requested" error message when hyperlinking to a secure, non-caching, login page using PowerPoint 2016. In my case, PowerPoint pops up an authentication window and crashes instead of opening my default browser with the URL.

Runtime Error 8 Cannot Download The Information You Requested

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y4Qev 🔥

I forgot to mention that I've set up Portal's log level to 'info', but there is no information about the execution of my tool. I've also checked Srever's log messages and there is only the error that I've mensioned above.

Since there has not been any responses recently (about 3 weeks), you may just want to review the above topic for troubleshooting steps. It would probably help if you post the same information requested there by support here. You can then just tag the moderators for help.

This section describes runtime errors and how to handle them. It also describes error messages and codes that are specific to Amazon DynamoDB. For a list of common errors that apply to all AWS services, see Access Management

Each AWS SDK implements retry logic automatically. You can modify the retry parameters to your needs. For example, consider a Java application that requires a fail-fast strategy, with no retries allowed in case of an error. With the AWS SDK for Java, you could use the ClientConfiguration class and provide a maxErrorRetry value of 0 to turn off the retries. For more information, see the AWS SDK documentation for your programming language.

The download and unpacking goes fine, but when running "setup.exe", all I get is an error message from the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library, saying "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way".

For a more detailed error message, look into your function'sbuild logs, as wellas your function'sruntime logs. If itis unclear why your function failed to execute its global scope, considertemporarily moving the code into the request invocation, usinglazy initialization of the global variables.This allows you to add extra log statements around your client libraries, whichcould be timing out on their instantiation (especially if they are calling otherservices), or crashing/throwing exceptions altogether. Additionally, you can tryincreasing the function timeout.

This error indicates that the process running your function has died. Thisis usually due to the runtime crashing due to issues in the function code.This may also happen when a deadlock or some other condition in your function'scode causes the runtime to become unresponsive to incoming requests.

The Cloud Functions Python37 runtime currently has aknown limitation on the ratethat it can handle logging. If log statements from a Python37 runtime instanceare written at a sufficiently high rate, it can produce this error. Pythonruntime versions >= 3.8 do not have this limitation. We encourage users tomigrate to a higher version of the Python runtime to avoid this issue.

You may see one of the following error messages when the process runningyour code exited either due to a runtime error or a deliberate exit. There isalso a small chance that a rare infrastructure error occurred.

For a background (Pub/Sub triggered) function when an executionIDis associated with the request that ended up in error, try enabling retry on failure. This allows the retrying of functionexecution when a retriable exception is raised. For more information for howto use this option safely, including mitigations for avoiding infinite retry loopsand managing retriable/fatal errors differently, see Best Practices.

Your logic app workflow generates information that can help you diagnose and debug problems in your app. You can diagnose your workflow by reviewing the inputs, outputs, and other information for each step in the workflow using the Azure portal. Or, you can add some steps to a workflow for runtime debugging.

However, the error message output to the user contains information regarding the default directory on the local file system. This information can be exploited and may lead to unauthorized access or use of the system. Any Java RuntimeExceptions that are handled should not expose sensitive information to the user.

This error occurs when the Component Object Model (COM) cannot create the requested Automation object, and the Automation object is, therefore, unavailable to Visual Basic. This error does not occur on all computers.

This article describes how to diagnose and resolve common problems that may cause this error.

To find the cause of the error, isolate the problem. If you receive the "429" error message on a client computer, use the following information to isolate and resolve the error in Microsoft Office applications.

Note Some of the following information may also apply to non-Office COM servers. However, this article assumes that you want to automate Office applications.

Early-bound objects require their custom interfaces to be marshaled across process boundaries. If the custom interface cannot be marshaled during CreateObject or during New, you receive the "429" error message. A late-bound object uses the IDispatch system-defined interface that does not require a custom proxy to be marshaled. Use a late-bound object to verify that this procedure works correctly.

If the problem occurs only when the object is early-bound, the problem is in the server application. Typically, you can reinstall the application as described in the "Examine the Automation Server" section of this article to correct the problem.

Mule execution failures result in an error. When a Mule app is running, boththe Mule runtime engine and the module and connector operations configured in the app can throw errors that are represented by a Mule error object, whichis associated with a Mule event. You can handle error objects with On-Error components and find information about them in the logs.

The errorMessage element becomes available when a connector or component exposes the message that it has interpreted as an error. For example, when an HTTP request receives a status code that Mule treatsas an error, the process fails and also populates the errorMessage withinformation about the error. You can then gain access to error messageattributes (metadata) and to the payload itself with#[error.errorMessage.payload] for the payload and#[error.errorMessage.attributes] for the metadata. In the case of an HTTPrequest that returns an error, you can then use#[error.errorMessage.attributes.statusCode] to select the value of thestatus code (such as 404). To see message attributes in Studio, seeDataSense.

The hierarchies enable you to route errors in a general or more specific way. Forexample, an error handler for MULE:SECURITY catches HTTP:UNAUTHORIZED errorsand OAuth errors. The follow figure shows the core runtime hierarchy:

All errors belong to one of these two main types: ANY or CRITICAL. Each typeunder ANY is matched by its parent and can be handled, while error types underCRITICAL are so severe that cannot be handled and are only logged. CRITICALerrors include FATAL_JVM_ERROR and OVERLOAD.

For connectors, each connector defines its error type hierarchy consideringthe core runtime hierarchy, though CONNECTIVITY and RETRY_EXHAUSTED typesare always present because they are common to all connectors.

UNKNOWN: indicates an unknown or unexpected error occurred. This cannot be handled directly, only by handling ANY, to ensure backward compatibility in case more error types are added in future runtime versions.

SOURCE_ERROR_RESPONSE_GENERATE: indicates that an error occurred in the source of the flow generating the parameters of an error response. This error cannot be handled since the source has already executed the failing path.

SOURCE_RESPONSE: indicates that an error occurred in the source of a flow while processing a successful response. These errors can only be propagated since the source has already executed the successful path. These errors cannot be handled.

To use custom error types, you need to define them either when mapping or whenraising the errors. These errorsrequire a specific custom namespace todistinguish them from other existing types within an application. This meansthat an app that uses HTTP and Database connector operations cannot use theHTTP and DB namespaces for custom error types.

Fired when the port is disconnected from the other end(s). runtime.lastError may be set if the port was disconnected by an error. If the port is closed via disconnect, then this event is only fired on the other end. This event is fired at most once (see also Port lifetime).

Populated with an error message if calling an API function fails; otherwise undefined. This is only defined within the scope of that function's callback. If an error is produced, but runtime.lastError is not accessed within the callback, a message is logged to the console listing the API function that produced the error. API functions that return promises do not set this property.

Sends a single message to event listeners within your extension/app or a different extension/app. Similar to runtime.connect but only sends a single message, with an optional response. If sending to your extension, the runtime.onMessage event will be fired in every frame of your extension (except for the sender's frame), or runtime.onMessageExternal, if a different extension. Note that extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To send messages to content scripts, use tabs.sendMessage.

The JSON response object sent by the handler of the message. If an error occurs while connecting to the extension, the callback will be called with no arguments and runtime.lastError will be set to the error message. e24fc04721

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