An Overview of Research into Running

There's lots to know about running. Here, we'll collect and summarize some important research studies.

The Mission of Running Research

There's lots of sports science out there that looks into the impact of training on runners. Unfortunately, a lot of this is in complex scientific lingo. Or, they're very specific studies without generalizable conclusions. Our mission at Running Research is to collect and summarize some scientific studies on running. We'll summarize their process and findings in plain English, and we'll let you know what it all means.

You can read more about running, fitness, and treadmills here:

Many research studies into running make use of treadmills to test and train runners. They're a great way to control the environment and conditions under which running happens.

This thesis looked at several different experimental research studies comparing trail runners to road runners. It found some significant differences, and a general conclusion is that trail running offers some great benefits for runners.

Read more about this study here.

This study looked at the effects of exercising in natural settings, like parks and hiking trails, compared to urban settings, like roads. It found consistent positive impacts on mood and mental health when people exercised in natural settings. So go outside, and find you some nature!

Read more about this study here.

This study looked at the impact of fasting on performance in long distance running. The participants fasted for Ramadan, which gave a great condition under which to test the impact of running without eating. They found a slight negative impact on performance, and no significant impact on the body's physiological responses to running.

Read more about this study here.

This study looked at the long term impact of training in a fasted state. They studied cyclists, who spent six weeks training at either fasted or fed states, but the results should apply similarly to runners. A significant finding was that the cyclists who trained in a fasted state increased the intensity at which their body burned fat more than sugar. In other words, they become much more efficient in their energy usage. This is important for half marathon and marathon runners.

Read more about this study here.


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