You can use SQL Command Line to generate reports interactively, to generate reports as batch processes, and to write the results to a text file, to a screen, or to an HTML file for browsing on the Internet.

When prompted, enter the username and password of the user account (schema) that you want to access in the local database. For example, enter HR for the username and my_hr_password for the password when prompted.

Run Sql Command Line Oracle 10g Download


From the list of SQL Command Line Help topics, you can display Help about an individual topic by entering HELP with a topic name. For example, the following displays Help about the SQL Command Line COLUMN command, which enables you to format column output:

To enter and execute SQL statements or commands, enter the statement or command at the SQL prompt. At the end of a SQL statement, put a semi-colon (;) and then press the Enter key to execute the statement. For example:

SQL Command Line provides the DESCRIBE command to display a description of a database object. For example, the following displays the structure of the employees table. This description is useful when constructing SQL statements that manipulate the employees table.

The SQL Command Line SET commands can be used to specify various SQL Command Line settings, such as the format of the output from SQL SELECT statements. For example, the following SET commands specify the number of lines for each page and the number of characters for each line in the output:

When running a script, you need to include the full path name unless the script is located in the directory from which SQL Command Line was started, or the script is located in the default script location specified by the SQLPATH environment variable.

You can create queries that use variables to make SELECT statements more flexible. You can define the variable before running a SQL statement, or you specify that the statement prompts for a variable value at the time that the SQL statement is run.

You can use & to identify a variable that you want to define dynamically. In Example A-1, including the &employee_id variable causes the SQL statement to prompt for a value when the statement is executed. You can then enter a value for the employee_id that corresponds to the employee information that you want to display, such as employee ID 125. Note that you can use any name for the variable, such as &my_variable.

You can use && to identify a variable that you want to define dynamically multiple times, but only want to prompt the user once. In Example A-2, including the &&column_name variable causes the SQL statement to prompt for a value when the statement is executed. The value that is entered is substituted for all remaining occurrences of &&column_name in the SQL statement.

In Example A-3, the &job_id variable is defined before running the SQL statement with the DEFINE command, and the defined value is substituted for the variable when the statement is executed. Because the variable has already been defined, you are not prompted to enter a value.

Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) is a free command line interface for Oracle Database. It allows you to interactively or batch execute SQL and PL/SQL. SQLcl provides in-line editing, statement completion, and command recall for a feature-rich experience, all while also supporting your previously written SQL*Plus scripts.

I've got a groovy script that works when I run it from within the ODI Studio 12.2.1. But I want to execute this script from the Windows command line for automated deployment, without use of ODI studio. I've found via google that in previous versions people either just used command "groovy ", of they used java like on this forum: How do I run Groovy scripts as Java, from the command line? - Stack Overflow .

Just be aware that on Unix/Linux your username/password can be seen by anyone that can run "ps -ef" command if you place it directly on the command line . Could be a big security issue (or turn into a big security issue).

I usually recommend creating a file or using here document so you can protect the username/password from being viewed with "ps -ef" command in Unix/Linux. If the username/password is contained in a script file or sql file you can protect using appropriate user/group read permissions. Then you can keep the user/pass inside the file like this in a shell script:

A new command-line scanner (DMU-CLS) has been introduced in the DMU 2.2 Release to perform database scans and generate reports and it provides the same functionality as that of the DMU GUI scan. This is useful for regularly monitoring data convertibility issues and implementing health check for Unicode databases.

The DMU-CLS scans a database to check its character data and provides information about the data readiness for its migration to a Unicode database or about any problem data that is currently present in the existing Unicode database. After scanning a database, the DMU-CLS can provide its analysis results in the form of a scan report and a problem data report.

In this Document


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Dear All,

I am building a small app for my office people where i have given option to connect to different db. As per Toad guidelines, multiple connections(from command line) can be made via --> -c schema/password@db "schema2/password@db as sysdba". I have tried same command via command line first(connecting to db via TNS):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle 12.1>Toad.exe -c swb@rajesh "swb@kumar". It is only connecting with first db which is rajesh. Can anyone help me, what i am missing here ?

Thanks @JohnDorlon: with password it worked. Then again i tried without password(pwd was saved in Toad) it works fine.

Can you also tell me how to connect to toad from command line without having the TNS entries in place? Currently i am making TNS entries and then connecting to toad which is working fine.

"Access violation at address 057F4E1C in module 'Toad.exe'. Read of address 00000060". What does it mean? I have attached Toad.log file for your reference.

I tried to connect to a saved connection via your method[username/password@host:port/service_name], it is getting connected but only for new connection it is giving me the error i mentioned.

You could try resetting your user files but that will cause you to lose all settings in Toad. If you want to try that, go to Main Menu -> Utilities -> Copy User Settings. Choose "Reset to a clean set of user files" and click OK. Toad will restart. The old user files will be renamed with "_bak", so you can restore them later if you want. Just be sure to do that with Toad not running.

Hi @JohnDorlon: I have a scenario: I am trying to connect Toad from I am passing the arguments to cmd. It is opening the exact connection if the arguments are right. But it is only opening Toad if the arguments are incorrect ex: password is incorrect.

Can you help me with this or should i ask this in another forum?

This may help: If you store the password on the login window, and you intend to run an action....just call the action from command line w/o the connection info. Toad will automatically make the connection for that action.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) provides a command line interface (CLI) that provides the same core capabilities as the OCI Console, extends the Console functionality, and facilitates developers and other user groups to automating the entire process of controlling, managing, and reporting through scripts. This blog aims to highlight one of the powerful yet least used features of OCI CLI: search, query, and reporting capabilities. These capabilities become critical, especially for cloud architects and cloud operations, to manage your OCI footprint at scale and when you have to deal with large amounts of output.

OCI also offers a plethora of options for automation, configuration management, cloud analytics, and reporting. Oracle Resource Manager and Terraform using OCI providers great options for developing immutable infrastructure as code (Iac), while OCI CLI provides excellent custom scripting and reporting options.

As shown in this posting, OCI CLI is not only powerful, but if used appropriately, it also provides great scripting and custom solutions capability for cloud architects and cloud operations. Happy scripting with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI.

Sesh is a Distinguished Cloud Architect. His passion is in leveraging technology to enable business outcome especially in the areas of MLOps and Cloud Native solutions. He has an MBA from University of Minnesota and a bachelor's in engineering.

Sesh is a Distinguished Cloud Architect. His passion is in leveraging technology to enable business outcome especially in the areas of MLOps and Cloud Native solutions. He has an MBA from University of Minnesota and a bachelor's in engineering.

While you can read the documentation for yourself, I will focus on exemplifying a few key features related to the blog’s core theme. OCI CLI can generate outputs in the following formats with the output flag. 152ee80cbc

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