Rummy Gold Privacy Policy

Rummy Gold Privacy Policy

By utilizing our services, you acknowledge and consent to the collection and utilization of your personal data as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may revise this policy periodically, and it is recommended to regularly review it for updates.

Information Collection

Rummy Gold Games collects both personal and non-personal user information. Personal information includes data that identifies and may be used to contact users online or offline.

When interacting with Rummy Gold Games' online and mobile products, non-personal information such as gender, zip code, device details, and IP address may be collected. Browsing the service may also result in the automatic collection of standard user information and clickstream data.

Utilization of Collected Information

Rummy Gold Games employs collected information for the following purposes:

- Providing products and services and fulfilling user requests.

- Sending messages about products, features, offers, contests, and events.

- Facilitating user-to-user communications.

- Understanding user behavior and preferences for service improvement.

- Troubleshooting technical issues and delivering targeted advertising.

- Enhancing software and services through customization, help, and recommendations.

Information Disclosure

User information may be disclosed to third parties (entities other than Rummy Gold Games) in the following scenarios:

- Sharing with subsidiaries and affiliates subject to this Privacy Policy.

- Employing third-party contractors for specific services, ensuring compliance with privacy policies.

- Supplementing personal information through third-party agents or service providers for studies.

Children's Privacy

Rummy Gold Games is committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not market products for purchase by children, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18. If you are under 18, the use of our sites requires the involvement of a parent or guardian.

In our dedication to children's privacy, we take specific measures to ensure that our online environment is safe and compliant with relevant regulations. Our goal is to provide a secure space for users of all ages, and we actively discourage and prohibit the collection of personal information from minors.

Security Measures

Ensuring the security of user information is of utmost importance to Rummy Gold Games. We implement commercially reasonable precautions to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Our security measures include the use of encryption, firewalls, and other industry-standard protocols.

While we strive to protect personal information, it is essential to acknowledge that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is entirely secure. Users are encouraged to take precautions on their end by safeguarding passwords and securing their computers to prevent unauthorized access.

Our commitment to security extends to the continuous evaluation and improvement of our security protocols to adapt to evolving threats and technological advancements.

Access and Update of Information

Users may be retained in our files for specific purposes, including dispute resolution, agreement enforcement, and compliance with technical and legal requirements. This retention is essential to maintain the integrity and security of our services.

Users have the ability to access and update their information at any time. By logging into their Game account, users can review and modify their account details, ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information we hold.


Account deletion is a straightforward process initiated by logging into the user's Game account. This action triggers the removal of the account, eliminating personal information associated with it. However, users should be aware that certain information may be retained for legal and technical purposes, even after account deletion.We are committed to promptly addressing such requests and ensuring compliance with applicable privacy regulations.

Terms of Service and Notices

Visits to our sites are governed by this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. Any concerns regarding privacy can be directed to us through the provided postal addresses or the dedicated email address in Section 10 of this Privacy Policy.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

To stay informed about our privacy practices, users are advised to regularly check our website and the privacy policy page for updates. Any material changes to the Privacy Policy will be communicated through notices on our website or via email to ensure users are aware of and understand the modifications.