Protect our Food

About me

My undergraduate major was plant protection and I obtained my Msc in Plant Pathology from Henan Agricultural University, China. My research objectives were isolation, identification and genetically characterization of causative agents of the different wheat diseases. In 2013, I received my PhD degree in Molecular Biology and host-microbe interactions from National University of Singapore, Singapore. My research elucidated an interaction between a viral protein and a host protein triggering sulfur-enhanced defence, and the roles of miRNAs and long noncoding RNA involved in host-virus interactions. Given the complexity of interactions between plant and pathogens, this motivated and inspired me to discover my passion in Bioinformatics. Subsequently, I continued my Postdoc training in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to strength my expertise in genetics and genomics, by using the cutting-edge technologies, such as Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatics. Since 2018, my extensive training in Microbiology, Metagenomics and Bioinformatics facilitates my initial established career in Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) by working on detection, identification and epidemiological surveillance analysis of Microbiome using various whole genome sequencing platforms.

Dr. Ruimin (Susan) GAO

Research Highlights


  1. McGill & CFIA Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada (2018 - 2019)

  2. NSERC Visiting Fellowship, Canada (2015-2017)

  3. International Society for Plant Molecular Biology (ISPMB) Gold Medal, Singapore (Top1, University level, 2013-2014)

  4. National University of Singapore Research Scholarship, Singapore (2009-2013)

  5. National Scholarship of China, China (University outstanding Top 1, National level, 2004)