Virtual Workshop

Virtual Read Alouds, Lessons, Interactives, and More!

Video Writing Prompts from John Spencer

Virtual Field Trips

Teaching ideas

1) Record a flipped-lesson to teach students how to read a virtual field trip. Use the structure below.

    • Today we're going to travel to...

    • What do you already know about this? What are you wondering? Stop my video and write a few things down.

    • Okay let's go! Watch as I navigate around this 360 view. If you're on an iPad or phone you might be able to even turn your body to look.

    • I'm noticing....and this makes me think...

    • I see a....that makes me wonder...

    • Wow! I never knew that....

    • Let's think about how this place would smell...I'm smelling...

    • I would that feel?

    • What are you hearing right now?

2) Launch a mini-inquiry! Ask students to choose one. What do they notice? What do they wonder? What more would they like to learn. Provide some student safe search engines and resources for them to learn more.

3) Have students free write. Writing can be done on paper or digitally. Book Creator is an awesome tool for kids to make their own books! They might;

  • Make a list of descriptive words

  • Write a poem

  • Use the trip as inspiration for a story

  • Write a letter home about the trip

  • Make an informational book about what they learned


  • Share charts and tools from previous units

  • Find a way for them to share their learning through a classroom LMS like See Saw or by creating a Padlet for them to share.

Virtually Travel to Museums Around the World

Virtual Visits to Art Museums Around the World

STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math