The Sipwise NGCP rtpengine is a proxy for RTP traffic and other UDP basedmedia traffic.It is meant to be used with the Kamailio SIP proxy and forms a drop-inreplacement for any of the other available RTP and media proxies.

Specifies the .ini style section to be used in the config file.Multiple sections can be present in the config file, but only one can beused at a time.The default value is rtpengine.A config file section is started in the config file using square brackets(e.g. [rtpengine]).

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Name of the netfilter chain in which to create the custom forwarding rulerequired for in-kernel packet forwarding. Defaults to rtpengine. Onlyused if in-kernel packet forwarding is enabled (table set to zero orhigher).

If this option is explicitly set to an empty string, then rtpenginewill directly create the chain given by nftables-chain as a base chainand skip creating the immediate-goto rule.

If this option is set to the special string none, then rtpenginewill create its custom chain and rule as it normally would, but will skipadding an immediate-goto rule to the custom chain. Doing so requires theoperator to manually create this immediate-goto rule somewhere themselves.Otherwise in-kernel packet forwarding would be left inoperable.

Instructs rtpengine to execute the actions described undernftables-chain and nftables-base-chain and then immediately exit.Useful to manually re-create the rule(s) if they have gotten lost duringruntime, and/or to manually manage creation and deletion of these rulesfrom a script (typically in combination with an empty nftables-chain=in the main config file).

Instructs rtpengine to check for the existence of the managed netfilterrules and chains, print the result of check, and exit. The process willexit with code 0 if the check was successful, and 1 otherwise.

Takes an integer as argument and if given, specifies the TOS value thatshould be set in the control-ng interface packets.The default is to leave the TOS field untouched.This parameter can also be set or listed via rtpengine-ctl.

Some RTP clients continue to send audio RTP packets during a DTMF event,resulting in both audio packets and DTMF packets appearing simultaneously. Bydefault, when transcoding, rtpengine suppresses audio packets during a DTMFevent and will only send DTMF packets until the DTMF event is over. Settingthis option disables this feature.

The original rtpproxy as well as older version of rtpengine by defaultdid not honour IP addresses given in the SDP body, and instead used thesource address of the received SIP message as default endpoint address.Newer versions of rtpengine reverse this behaviour and honour theaddresses given in the SDP body by default. This option restores theold behaviour.

List of redis keyspaces to subscribe.If this is not present, no keyspaces are subscribed (default behaviour).Further subscriptions could be added/removed via rtpengine-ctl ksadd/ksrm.This may lead to enabling/disabling of the redis keyspace notification feature.

With this option enabled, any activity (such as signalling or media) on a callthat was created through a Redis keyspace notification will make rtpenginetake control of that call. Without this option, an explicit command is requiredfor rtpengine to take (or relinquish) control of a call.

If this parameter is present and has a value >= 0, it will configure howmany consecutive errors are allowed when communicating with a redis serverbefore the redis communication will be temporarily disabled for that server.While the communication is disabled there will be no attempts to reconnectto redis or send commands to that server.Default value is -1, meaning that this feature is disabled.This parameter can also be set or listed via rtpengine-ctl.

This parameter configures the number of seconds redis communication isdisabled because of errors.This works together with redis-allowed-errors parameter.The default value is 10.This parameter can also be set or listed via rtpengine-ctl.

If this parameter is set to a non-zero value it will set the timeout,in milliseconds, for each command to the redis server.If redis does not reply within the specified timeout the command will fail.The default value is 0, meaning that the commands will be blocking withouttimeout.This parameter can also be set or listed via rtpengine-ctl; note thatsetting the parameter to 0 will require a reconnect on all configuredredis servers.

Limit the number of maximum concurrent sessions.Set at startup via max-sessions in config file.Set at runtime via rtpengine-ctl util.Setting the rtpengine-ctl set maxsessions 0 can be used in drainingrtpengine sessions.Enable feature: max-sessions=1000Enable feature: rtpengine-ctl set maxsessions >= 0Disable feature: rtpengine-ctl set maxsessions -1By default, the feature is disabled (i.e. maxsessions == -1).

rtpengine supports multiple mechanisms for recording calls.See recording-method below for a list.The default recording method pcap is described in this section.

Apply media recording to egress media streams (as they are sent byrtpengine) instead of media streams as they are received. This makes itpossible to include manipulated and generated media (such as from the playmedia command) in the recordings.

This option enables explicit management of an iptables chain.When enabled, rtpengine takes control of the given iptables chain,which must exist already prior to starting the daemon.Upon startup, rtpengine will flush the chain, and then add one ACCEPTrule for each media port (RTP/RTCP) opened.Each rule will exactly match the individual port and destination IP address,and will be created with the call ID as iptables comment.The rule will be deleted when the port is closed.

This option allows creating a firewall with a default DROP policy forthe entire port range used by rtpengine and then referencing the giveniptables chain to only selectively allow the ports actually in use.

Also note that the iptables API is not the most efficient one around anddoes not lend itself to fast dynamic creation and deletion of rules.If you have a high call volume, and especially many call attempts persecond, you might experience significant performance impact.This is not a shortcoming of rtpengine but rather of iptables and itsAPI implementation in the Linux kernel.In such a case, it is recommended to add a static iptables rule for theentire media port range instead, and not use this option.

Query to be used for retrieving media files from the database. No defaultexist, therefore this is a mandatory configuration for media playback fromdatabase. The provided query string must contain the single format placeholder%llu and must not contain any other format placeholders. The ID valuepassed to rtpengine in the db-id key of the play media message willbe used in place of the placeholder when querying the database.

Sets a free-form string that is used to identify this software towards externalsystems with, for example in outgoing ICE/STUN requests. Defaults tortpengine-VERSION. The string is sanitised to replace allnon-alphanumeric characters with a dash to make it universally usable.

This option is applicable only to CN packets generated from the silencedetection mechanism described above. The configured CN parameters are useddirectly as payload of CN packets sent by rtpengine.

Enable caching of encoded media packets for media player. This is applicablefor media playback initiated through the play media command. When enabledrtpengine will not simply decode given media files and then encode the mediato RTP on demand and on the fly, but will rather decode and encode each mediafile in full the first time playback is requested, and then cache the resultingRTP packets in memory. This is done once for each media file and for eachoutput RTP codec requested.

Enabling the audio player for a party to a call makes rtpengine produce itsown audio RTP stream (instead of just forwarding an audio stream received fromelsewhere). The audio is generated from a circular audio buffer (see above) andall contributing audio sources are mixed into that one audio buffer.Contributing audio sources are audio streams received from elsewhere (thatwould otherwise simply be forwarded) and audio produced by the play mediacommand.

The possibility of configuring a network interface by name rather thanby address should not be confused with the logical interface name usedinternally by rtpengine (as described below).The NAME token in the syntax above refers to the internal logicalinterface name, while the name of a system network interface is usedin place of the first IP token in the syntax above.For example, to configure a logical network interface called intusing all the addresses from the existing system network interfaceeth0, you would use the syntax int/eth0.(Unless omitted, the second IP token used for the advertised addressmust be an actual network address and cannot be an interface name.)

Giving an interface a name (separated from the address by a slash) isoptional; if omitted, the name default is used.Names are useful to create logical interfaces which consist of one ormore local addresses.It is then possible to instruct rtpengine to use particular interfaceswhen processing an SDP message, to use different local addresses whentalking to different endpoints.The most common use case for this is to bridge between one or moreprivate IP networks and the public internet. 2351a5e196

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