Representation Theory & Noncommutative Geometry
An AIM Research Community

This research community, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, brings together researchers to develop connections between representation theory, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.

Current Organizers:
Monica Nevins (U. of Ottawa), Angela Pasquale (U. de Lorraine), and Haluk Şengün (U. of Sheffield)

Previous Organizers:
Pierre Clare (William & Mary), Nigel Higson (PennState) and Birgit Speh (Cornell U.)


Ongoing and Upcoming Activities

In the Winter of 2024, we'll continue our popular This is what I do series, and have a couple of tiny series of wee lectures on selected topics.  We'll also introduce a new series:  This is my thesis, where two or three students will let us spotlight on their exciting new work.

A look ahead:

Title: Whitney extension theorems on symmetric spaces

Abstract: In 1934, H. Whitney introduced the problem of extending a function on a set of points to an analytic function on the ambient space. If the points are invariant under a group of symmetries, it is natural to study the Whitney extension problem on a symmetric space. In joint work with Birgit Speh, we prove a Whitney extension theorem on anti de Sitter space, whose group of symmetries is the noncompact Lie group SO(2,2). A key ingredient in the proof is that Flensted-Jensen functions have an explicit description resembling spherical harmonics for the compact group SO(3). In particular, we construct a Whitney function which is analytic, square integrable, and K-finite. As a corollary, we associate a unique representation to the points which we call its Whitney representation. 

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