RTG: Combinatorics, Computation and Applications

Research Training Group: Combinatorics, Computation and Applications at Iowa State University

This website provides information about NSF award DMS-1839918 (RTG) at Department of Mathematics and Iowa State University.

The objective of this Research Training Group (RTG) is to provide participants with a broad education in combinatorics, equipping them with a solid foundation for careers in research, education, or industry. We believe that team-based research, computational dexterity, and the ability to make connections to applied areas are central to this objective, and RTG faculty will provide such training. Our targeted research areas are well suited to experimentation, which is often an important part of the transition to research mathematician. Our RTG will train students and postdoctoral researchers in the requisite tools and methods to analyze, experiment, and attack problems in combinatorics and applications.

The award provides funding for 5 years from 2019 to 2024. During this time, it is expected to support four postdoctoral researchers (3-year positions), 20 academic years of graduate student fellowships and 14 undergraduate stipends. By NSF rules, trainees have to be US citizens or permanent residents.

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Senior Personnel

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