Rob Sullivan

email: robert last name 1990 (all one word) at gmail dot com

I am currently a maths postdoc at Charles University in Prague, mentored by Samuel Braunfeld. 

(Previously I was a postdoc at the University of Münster, mentored by Aleksandra Kwiatkowska.)


Current projects

PhD thesis

Aspects of the topological dynamics of sparse graph automorphism groups.
I completed my PhD at Imperial College London in January 2022, under the supervision of David Evans.


Model Theory and Combinatorics.
Master's seminar co-organised with Martin Hils, 2024 summer term, University of Münster.
Informal typed notes (by Josia Pietsch, a Master's student who attended the seminar - I have not checked these)

Logic 3: Abstract Topological Dynamics and Descriptive Set Theory.
Teaching assistant: master's course, 2023/24 winter term, University of Münster. Lectured by Aleksandra Kwiatkowska.
Problem sheets and notes (website of lecturer)

Topics in Ramsey Theory.
Lecturer: master's course, 2022/23 winter term, University of Münster.
Handwritten notes

Slides from talks

Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures.
Będlewo, Oct 2023: Conference on Generic Structures.

The externally definable Ramsey property.
Berlin, Sep 2022: annual meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung.


Available here.