Rob Sullivan
email: robert last name 1990 (all one word) at gmail dot com
I am currently a maths postdoc at Charles University in Prague, mentored by Samuel Braunfeld.
(Previously I was a postdoc at the University of Münster, mentored by Aleksandra Kwiatkowska.)
Embeddings into the random poset.
(with A. Kwiatkowska and J. Winkel)
submitted. arxivFlows of linear orders on sparse graphs.
submitted. arxivThe externally definable Ramsey property and fixed points on type spaces.
(with N. Meir)
Arch. Math. Logic (2024). arxivSparse graphs and the fixed points on type spaces property.
Model Theory, Vol. 3 (2024), No. 3, 861–882. arxiv
Current projects
Sharply k-transitive actions on ultrahomogeneous structures.
(with J. de la Nuez González)
early draft. arxivCanonical amalgamation and universal automorphism groups.
(with A. Kwiatkowska, J. Winkel)Generic embeddings into ultrahomogeneous structures.
(with A. Codenotti, A. Panagiotopoulos, J. Winkel)
(see the slides from a talk I gave in Będlewo in Oct 2023 for an overview)
PhD thesis
Aspects of the topological dynamics of sparse graph automorphism groups.
I completed my PhD at Imperial College London in January 2022, under the supervision of David Evans.
Model Theory and Combinatorics.
Master's seminar co-organised with Martin Hils, 2024 summer term, University of Münster.
Informal typed notes (by Josia Pietsch, a Master's student who attended the seminar - I have not checked these)
Logic 3: Abstract Topological Dynamics and Descriptive Set Theory.
Teaching assistant: master's course, 2023/24 winter term, University of Münster. Lectured by Aleksandra Kwiatkowska.
Problem sheets and notes (website of lecturer)
Topics in Ramsey Theory.
Lecturer: master's course, 2022/23 winter term, University of Münster.
Handwritten notes
Slides from talks
Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures.
Będlewo, Oct 2023: Conference on Generic Structures.
The externally definable Ramsey property.
Berlin, Sep 2022: annual meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung.
Available here.