RSU 25 Learning Lab

RSU 25 Website

Learning Design Lab Leader: Allison Braley, Media Specialist (


8:00am: Arrival (light refreshments will be provided)

8:30am: Welcome and Introductions

9:00am: Student-led presentations

Digital Media Club (Grades 5-8)

The school’s Digital Media Club will share how they have created a digital newspaper, video announcements, and event recordings.

Digital Photo Manipulation (Grades 7-8)

The Gifted and Talented Art program will model ways iPhoto can be used for photo manipulation.

10:00am: Break

10:15am: Student-led presentations

Greek Mythology Project (Grade 7)

7th grade social studies students will show how they are using several technologies for their Greek mythology project.

-3D Printing (Grades 5-6)

Several 5th & 6th graders will introduce participants to their TinkerCAD projects that were used to create bubble wands and boats with 3D printers.

11:15am: Lunch (will be provided)

11:45am: Conversations with lead educators

12:45pm: Supported planning time

1:45pm: Closing and Reflections

2:00pm: End

Evaluation Form - complete before you leave!