it is passing the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken to the default AuthenticationProvider, which will use the userDetailsService to get the user based on username and compare that user's password with the one in the authentication token.

This is the mechanism that allows you to plug in other authentication schemes, like authenticating against an LDAP or Active Directory server, or OpenID, and is one of the main extension points within the Spring Security framework.

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The default implementation in Spring Security is called ProviderManager and rather than handling the authentication request itself, it delegates to a list of configured AuthenticationProviders, each of which is queried in turn to see if it can perform the authentication. Each provider will either throw an exception or return a fully populated Authentication object.

AuthenticationException is a runtime exception. It is usually handled by an application in a generic way, depending on the style or purpose of the application. In other words, user code is not normally expected to catch and handle it. For example, a web UI might render a page that says that the authentication failed, and a backend HTTP service might send a 401 response, with or without a WWW-Authenticate header depending on the context.

Spring Security provides some configuration helpers to quickly get common authentication manager features set up in your application. The most commonly used helper is the AuthenticationManagerBuilder, which is great for setting up in-memory, JDBC, or LDAP user details or for adding a custom UserDetailsService. The following example shows an application that configures the global (parent) AuthenticationManager:

Once authentication is successful, we can move on to authorization, and the core strategy here is AccessDecisionManager. There are three implementations provided by the framework and all three delegate to a chain of AccessDecisionVoter instances, a bit like the ProviderManager delegates to AuthenticationProviders.

A vanilla Spring Boot application with no custom security configuration has a several (call it n) filter chains, where usually n=6. The first (n-1) chains are there just to ignore static resource patterns, like /css/** and /images/**, and the error view: /error. (The paths can be controlled by the user with security.ignored from the SecurityProperties configuration bean.) The last chain matches the catch-all path (/**) and is more active, containing logic for authentication, authorization, exception handling, session handling, header writing, and so on. There are a total of 11 filters in this chain by default, but normally it is not necessary for users to concern themselves with which filters are used and when.

Many applications have completely different access rules for one set of resources compared to another. For example, an application that hosts a UI and a backing API might support cookie-based authentication with a redirect to a login page for the UI parts and token-based authentication with a 401 response to unauthenticated requests for the API parts. Each set of resources has its own WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter with a unique order and its own request matcher. If the matching rules overlap, the earliest ordered filter chain wins.

It is not common for user application code to do this, but it can be useful if you, for instance, need to write a custom authentication filter (although, even then, there are base classes in Spring Security that you can use so that you could avoid needing to use the SecurityContextHolder).

This annotation pulls the current Authentication out of the SecurityContext and calls the getPrincipal() method on it to yield the method parameter. The type of the Principal in an Authentication is dependent on the AuthenticationManager used to validate the authentication, so this can be a useful little trick to get a type-safe reference to your user data.

The RSA Authentication Manager software allows RSA SecurID administrators to centrally manage user profiles, authentication methods, as well as applications and agents across multiple physical sites. The RSA Authentication Manager software verifies the user's identity for authentication requests and centrally administers authentication policies for the organizations' end users. Whether you choose one authentication method, or choose to mix and match authentication methods to meet varying end user needs, the RSA SecurID environment can be managed from one management console. The console is designed to address the most time-consuming and costly tasks associated with managing an enterprise authentication solution - even end users benefit from the self-service console. Users can change their own PIN codes, request a replacement token, request emergency access, and troubleshoot without ever contacting the helpdesk directly.

The RSA Risk Engine in built-in to the RSA Authentication Manager to enable Risk-Based Authentication. The Risk Engine is a proven technology that powers the most convenient method of authentication that maintains the traditional username and password login experience, while calculating risk level for the transaction.

AuthenticationManager is a static class that manages the authentication modules that an application uses. When a request is made to protected resources, the AuthenticationManager calls the Authenticate method to get an Authorization instance to use in subsequent requests.

The AuthenticationManager queries each registered authentication module by calling the IAuthenticationModule.Authenticate method for each module. The first authentication module to return an Authorization instance is used to authenticate the request.

Modules that provide the basic, digest, negotiate, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication types are registered with the AuthenticationManager by default. Additional authentication modules that implement the IAuthenticationModule interface can be added using the Register method. Authentication modules are called in the order in which they were added to the list.

In accordance with Duke security offices service authentication statement , OIT supports electronic authorization to resources via Shibboleth, an open-source authorization provider created by Internet2, a community of academic, research, industrial, and governmental institutions.

If you need help, submit an authentication help request at  . An IdM analyst will look at your request and contact you regarding more details or provide you with reasonable steps to take to fix your problem.

This authentication database can be moved between QGIS installations withoutaffecting other current QGIS user preferences, as it is completely separate fromnormal QGIS settings. A configuration ID (a random 7-character alphanumericstring) is generated when initially storing a configuration to the database.This represents the configuration, thereby allowing the ID to be stored in plaintext application components, (such as project, plugin, or settings files)without disclosure of its associated credentials.

To store or access sensitive information within the database, a user must definea master password. A new master password is requested and verified wheninitially storing any encrypted data to the database. When sensitiveinformation is accessed, the user is prompted for the master password. The password isthen cached for the remainder of the session (until application is quit), unlessthe user manually chooses an action to clear its cached value. Some instances ofusing the authentication system do not require input of the master password,such as when selecting an existing authentication configuration, or applying aconfiguration to a server configuration (such as when adding a WMS layer).

The same type of operations for authentication configuration management (Add,Edit and Remove) can be done when configuring a given service connection, suchas configuring an OWS service connection. For that, there are action buttonswithin the configuration selector for fully managing configurations foundwithin the authentication database. In this case, there is no need to go to theconfigurations in Authentication tab of QGIS optionsunless you need to do more comprehensive configuration management.

When creating or editing an authentication configuration, the info required isa name, an authentication method and any other info that the authenticationmethod requires (see more about the available authentication types inAuthentication Methods).

Plugins can be created for new authentication methods that do not require QGISto be recompiled. Since the support for plugins is currently C++-only,QGIS will need to be restarted for the new dropped-in plugin to becomeavailable to the user. Ensure your plugin is compiled against the same targetversion of QGIS if you intend to add it to an existing target install.

Automatically clear network authentication access cache on SSL errors: theconnection cache stores all authentication data for connections, also when theconnection fails. If you change authentication configurations or certification authorities,you should clear the authentication cacheor restart QGIS. When this option is checked, the authentication cache will beautomatically cleared every time an SSL error occurs and you choose to abortthe connection

Erase authentication database: schedules a backup of the current databaseand complete rebuild of the database table structure. The actions arescheduled for a later time, to ensure that other operations, like projectloading, do not interrupt the operation or cause errors due to a temporarilymissing database.

Typically, an authentication configuration is selected in a configuration dialogfor a network services (such as WMS). However, the selector widget can beembedded anywhere authentication is needed or in non-core functionality, like inthird-party PyQGIS or C++ plugins.

When AM needs to authenticate and it detects that there is a username-password credential present in SSO, it uses the HTTP Basic authentication protocol to authenticate to StoreFront. This protocol is described in RFC 2617. 006ab0faaa

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