Hey, I'm Roma (he/him) and this is my professional webpage. I do mathematics somewhere at the crossroads of metric geometry, geometric topology and discrete geometry, though I quite enjoy learning about all flavors of geometry and topology. I try to be open to anything interesting, so feel free to email me if you have suggestions!

Though this is a professional webpage, I feel now a necessity to put my personal statement here. The current actions of the Russian government cannot be justified and understood. They are people without any shame or common sense. The war needs to be stopped, and as with many reasonable Russian people, I stand with Ukraine in this horrible historical moment. 

Contacts: roman.prosanov@univie.ac.at

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1120 Vienna, Austria

[ORCID], [Google Scholar] 




Supervisor: Ivan Izmestiev, [Thesis] 

Supervisor: Andrei Raigorodskii

Grants, Awards:



Advances in Mathematics, 437 (2024), [journal],  [arxiv] 

Geometriae Dedicata, 217:12, 1-44 (2023), [journal], [arxiv] 

International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023:3, 1959-2094 (2023), [journal], [arxiv] 

 Discrete and Computational Geometry, 65, 1028–1037 (2021), [journal], [conference], [arxiv] 

Geometriae Dedicata, 206, 151–179 (2020), [journal], [arxiv] 

Discrete Mathematics, 341:11, 3123–3133 (2018), [journal], [arxiv] 

 Mathematical Notes, 105:5–6, 874–880 (2019), [journal] 

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 276, 115–120 (2020), [journal], [arxiv] 

Mathematical Notes, 103:1–2, 243–250 (2018), [journal] 

Doklady Mathematics, 96:1, 336–338 (2017), [journal]