Eillion Notation

There are so many illion-related notations in googology, but it's time for me to make one. This is based on recursion and hyperrecursion and works a bit like the fast-growing hierarchy.

Base definition

E(n) = 10^(3*10^(3*10^(...(3*10^n)...))+3) with n 3*10's

E0(n) = E(n)

Em(n) = Em-1(Em-1(...(Em-1(n))...)) with n sets of brackets

En(n) = E[1](n) = order type w

Array Notation

2-entry array notation

We can now set forth three rules, where @ is a string of numbers and separators. All numbers in all arrays using this notation must be nonzero positive integers.

The limit of this notation is order type w^2.

linear array notation e.g. E[a,b,c,...,n](x)

Now we'll have to edit rule 2. 

This brings the limit of the notation up to w^w.

My planned extensions to this notation has the array behave like the one in Username5243's Array Notation, except at epsilon-zero, the first-order comma becomes a double comma, a second-order comma becomes a triple comma, and the limit would be akin to order type psi_0(Omega_w).


The prefixes all follow Denis Maksudov's naming system.

and so on.


Copyright 2023 Redstonepillager. Work is licensed under CC-BY-SA.

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