State of Connecticut Posted by limo rental Portland

Limo rental Portland has a mission to teach the guide. The original owners of Connecticut were the Indians of the Algonquin tribe, translated from the language of which the name of the state means "near a long tidal river." This name perfectly characterizes the geographical position of Connecticut, in the middle of which the river of the same name carries its waters from north to south. The Connecticut River is the longest in New England. In the west, the state borders the state of New York, in the north - with Massachusetts, and in the east - with tiny Rhode Island. Connecticut itself is also small: its maximum length from east to west is 163 kilometers, and from north to south - 117 kilometers. Occupying an area of ​​12.8 thousand square kilometers (48th place among the states), Connecticut has a population of more than 3 million (27th place), which makes it very densely populated.

The administrative center of the state is the city of Hartford - it has only 140 thousand inhabitants, but more than 1 million 560 thousand people live in its immediate suburbs, and that is why it turns out to be the largest population center in the state. Bridgeport, the largest city in the state, has 142 thousand inhabitants, but only 443 thousand people live in its suburbs. The third largest city in the state, New Haven, has a population of about 130 thousand, and another 527 thousand people live in its vicinity.

The first European settlers - the Dutch - appeared in Connecticut in 1614 and in the 1630s English colonists from Plymouth and Massachusetts settled there. In modern America, Connecticut is often called a "constitutional state" - as early as 1639, this colony adopted a set of fundamental regulations governing the life of settlers - in fact, the first constitution in North America.

The name of the state is directly associated with the novel by Mark Twain (1835-1910) "Yankees at the Court of King Arthur" (1889), whose hero was a native of Connecticut, which is reflected in the title of the original novel ("The Connecticut Yankees at the Court of King Arthur"). Mark Twain is regarded by the state as one of their most prominent countrymen, since after his marriage in 1870 to the daughter of a wealthy coal magnate, Olivia Langdon, the well-known writer settled in Hartford. However, for Mark Twain himself, the years of his life in Connecticut were far from the most joyful - under the influence of his new relatives, he tried to go into business, but soon went bankrupt, after which, in his old age, he was forced to travel on endless tours reading his famous works.

In the 19th century, Hartford became one of the largest industrial cities in America; already at the time of Mark Twain it was called the capital of American industrialists. It’s easier to say which products are not manufactured in Connecticut than to list all the various products created in industrial enterprises of the state. Among the oldest firms in Hartford is the Colt arms company. Founded in 1836, it bears the name of its creator, inventor Samuel Colt (1814–1862), who became interested in weapons at an early age. For experiments with gunpowder, which almost led to a fire, he was even kicked out of school. However, at the age of 16, he made his first revolver. The idea of ​​its creation dawned on Colt when he watched the operation of the paddle wheel of a steamer. The most amazing thing is that the first model was wooden! At the age of 21, Colt dared to open his own business for the production of weapons patented by him, but by 1842 he was bankrupt. However, his multi-charge "cannon" gained incredible popularity during the Mexican War of 1846-1848, and then turned into an indispensable attribute of the dashing cowboys of the Wild West.

Resuming the production of revolvers, Colt soon became one of the richest men in America. A famous arms company is Winchester, whose headquarters are located in the Connecticut city of New Haven. Simultaneously with Colt, the founder of the firm O. F. Winchester began to produce magazine (multiple-charge) rifles. Later, Winchester began to produce the famous automatic weapon. However, his multi-charge "cannon" gained incredible popularity during the Mexican War of 1846-1848, and then turned into an indispensable attribute of the dashing cowboys of the Wild West. Resuming the production of revolvers, Colt soon became one of the richest men in America. A famous arms company is Winchester, whose headquarters are located in the Connecticut city of New Haven. Simultaneously with Colt, the founder of the firm O. F. Winchester began to produce magazine (multiple-charge) rifles. Later, Winchester began to produce the famous automatic weapon. However, his multi-charge "cannon" gained incredible popularity during the Mexican War of 1846-1848, and then turned into an indispensable attribute of the dashing cowboys of the Wild West. Resuming the production of revolvers, Colt soon became one of the richest men in America.

A famous arms company is Winchester, whose headquarters are located in the Connecticut city of New Haven. Simultaneously with Colt, the founder of the firm O. F. Winchester began to produce magazine (multiply charged) rifles. Later, Winchester began to produce the famous automatic weapon. A famous arms company is Winchester, whose headquarters are located in the Connecticut city of New Haven. Simultaneously with Colt, the founder of the firm O. F. Winchester began to produce magazine (multiple-charge) rifles. Later "Winchester" began to produce the famous automatic weapons. A famous arms company is Winchester, whose headquarters are located in the Connecticut city of New Haven. Simultaneously with Colt, the founder of the firm O. F. Winchester began to produce magazine (multiple-charge) rifles. Later, Winchester began to produce the famous automatic weapon.

Not only the products of Connecticut gunsmiths, thanks to whom, since the Revolutionary War, the state has been called the "arsenal of the nation", was able to scribble smartly. Several typewriter firms worked in the state at once: Remington produced the Bridgeport Remington Arm, and the legendary Underwood’s were made in Hartford. The first typewriters were truly overwhelming, as they had a heavy metal body. With a light press on the key, the corresponding letter was sealed with such force to the sheet inserted into the carriage that up to ten copies of the required text could be immediately printed on the carbon paper laid on the carbon paper.

The sewing machines of the Singer firm, founded in 1863 in Bridgeport by engineer Isaac Merritt Singer (1811-1875), also seemed a miracle of technology. Singer began his career at the age of 12, and patented the sewing machine he invented in 1851. At that time, he was far from the only inventor who strove to create a thing so necessary in everyday life. To start his own business, Singer had to buy up patents from other inventors, go through a lawsuit filed against him by another inventor, Elias Howe, but in the end he managed to surpass all competitors.

Connecticut gave the world many other important and interesting inventions. A native of this state was Eli Whitney, who in 1793 invented the cotton gin. And in 1954, the world's first nuclear submarine was built in Connecticut.

The abundance of rivers stimulated the development of industrial enterprises in Connecticut. The state traditionally occupies a leading place in the production of transport equipment - it makes aircraft engines, space technology, produces all kinds of devices and instruments, including medical ones. The developing production has always felt the need for knowledgeable, educated people. Back in 1650, Connecticut passed a law according to which in every locality where more than 50 families live, one of the local residents should be appointed to the position of a teacher, and in towns where there were more than a hundred families, it was supposed to open their own school and invite her real teacher.

The oldest school in the state is the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, founded in 1660. It is also home to the best and oldest Yale University in the state. Strictly speaking, he has been working in New Haven since 1716, but the date of its foundation is considered to be 1701 - it was then that a college was opened in Branford, from which the university subsequently grew. In modern Connecticut, a higher education diploma is highly regarded. The state employs over 40 higher educational institutions, and it ranks first in the country in terms of the number of graduates.

In industrial Connecticut, nature is respected. More than half of the state's territory is covered with mixed forests, where there are many cedars and birches. Tourists are allowed to freely walk through the forests and even fish in clean local rivers during the day, but at night no one has the right to disturb the peace of these places. So the state is fighting the inevitable pollution of nature with makeshift camps and protects its forest resources from fires, the danger of which increases sharply in the hot summer period. Connecticut has over 90 federal protected areas. One of the state's out-of-town attractions is the Dinosaur Park, where fossil footprints of these ancient inhabitants of the earth are kept in a special pavilion. For read more Limo rental Portland .