I'm trying to rotate a padstack in one of my symbols (opened .dra file in allegro 16.2). I want it 90 deg rotated. If I right-click, I find "move", I can pick options if I right click and pick "rotation angle" but it doesn't rotate. I I instead use "rotate" when right clicking, It rotates but I can't get a clean 90 deg rotation, it always seams a bit "tilted". If I pick "Edit->Spin gives me: "No valid items selected for the current operation, exiting.

The rotate CSS property allows you to specify rotation transforms individually and independently of the transform property. This maps better to typical user interface usage, and saves having to remember the exact order of transform functions to specify in the transform property.

Rotate Pdf

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The name of the axis you want to rotate the affected element around ("x", "y", or "z"), plus an specifying the angle to rotate the element through. Equivalent to a rotateX()/rotateY()/rotateZ() (3D rotation) function.

Three s representing an origin-centered vector that defines a line around which you want to rotate the element, plus an specifying the angle to rotate the element through. Equivalent to a rotate3d() (3D rotation) function.

The following example shows how to use the rotate property to rotate an element along various axes on hover. The first box rotates 90 degrees on the Z axis hover, the second rotates 180 degrees on the Y axis on hover, and the third rotates 360 degrees on hover around a vector defined by coordinates.

The name of the axis you want to rotate the affected element around (\"x\", \"y\", or \"z\"), plus an specifying the angle to rotate the element through. Equivalent to a rotateX()/rotateY()/rotateZ() (3D rotation) function.

\n The following example shows how to use the rotate property to rotate an element along various axes on hover.\n The first box rotates 90 degrees on the Z axis hover, the second rotates 180 degrees on the Y axis on hover, and the third rotates 360 degrees on hover around a vector defined by coordinates.\n

If you want to apply multiple transformations to an element, be careful about the order in which you specify your transformations. For example, if you rotate before translating, the translation will be along the new axis of rotation!

\n The amount of rotation created by rotate() is specified by an . If positive,\n the movement will be clockwise; if negative, it will be counter-clockwise. A rotation by 180 is called point\nreflection.\n

\n If you want to apply multiple transformations to an element, be careful about the order in which you specify your\n transformations. For example, if you rotate before translating, the translation will be along the new axis of\n rotation!\n

I would like to rotate the view of my top, front, and right viewports so buildings are parallel to the X and Y-axis. My project has real-world coordinates so I cannot touch the objects. I have this:

image1374727 110 KB

Thank you both for your answers. I did as described by @RIL and the rotation part was good. Unfortunately, changing the CPlane also changed the coordinate system and this is something that cannot happen. Is it possible to rotate the vieport but preserve the coordinate system?

image9321072 71.8 KB

My cursor often becomes stuck on the pan (10.3) or the rotate (Pro) tool. No matter what I try, I'm not able to use any other cursor functions. Sometimes a full computer restart fixes this issue, but not always. No key command or escape key command fixes this issue.

MoveFace also has the option to move to a boundary.

There used to be a RotateFace, etc command for sub-objects commands in V4, but those were removed once sub-object selection and editing was hooked. As mentioned, if you would like to rotate, scale or move, you can now select faces or edges and use the regular transform commands (rotate, scale, move, etc.).

There is no history support for sub-object editing.

I have a flat 2d object and want to rotate it. When I select the rotate tool and hover over the object I cannot get the protractor to change colour and therefore cannot rotate the object the way I want. i.e. I have a rectangle lying flat on the ground and I want to rotate it 90 deg so it stands on its edge.

You can do it, you just press Ctrl+Alt then hover over the corner and the rotate sigh will appear and then you press and rotate it only works with a mouse though because if you right-click the cut copy paste sign appears.

Hi all,

I currently have a micro-CT of a phantom that, when loaded into Slicer, appears upside down (there are some file conversions going on before I get to Slicer, so this behaviour is probably correct from a software perspective). Is there a way to rotate my view of the image (e.g. rotate my view of the red slice 180 degrees) without moving the image itself? (e.g. by using the transforms module)

Thanks for your reply! It seems like it should work, but it is not for me. I will continue to tinker with it. I just added a html element to the header and added the code: .bubble-element RepeatingGroup { -ms-transform: rotate(30deg) !important; -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg) !important; transform: rotate(30deg) !important;}

The brush can be rotated by pressing shift + arrow but is there a way to see the actual degrees and how to reset it back? I am working with the clone tool and rotating it but it's really difficult to know which degree it's currently at and when the brush has been rotated back to the start. Hope that makes sense.

You are correct - applying any transform interaction to an element that already has some other transform applied will nullify that original transform. Two workarounds - include the original transform in your interaction or use nested divs to target different objects for transform. FOr example parent div will rotate your object while inner div will move your object that is going to be placed inside this innermost div.

Is it possible to select multiple annotations and rotate them as if they were a single shape? my group does laser microdissection and we would like to use routine H&Es as the reference for adjacent LMD sections. The problem is that the sections are not all placed on each slide with the same orientation. I would like to know if there is any method to rotate shapes to fit the change from slide to slide.

I came to this forum because this is also happening with Evernote to me. I have auto rotate off/locked but when I physically move my phone, Evernote changes to landscape orientation. It's very frustrating and did not used to happen. I have a new phone since last month, so everything is up to date.

I am using the rectangle tool in FIJI to crop a region of interest in the image that I am analysing. I want to use the same sized rectangle mask for another image in my data set. However, I want to rotate this rectangle ROI so that it is vertical instead of horizontal.

Above is the current ROI that I have saved. I have searched online but I haven't found any information for how I can rotate a rectangular ROI in ImageJ/FIJI. Does anyone know how to rotate rectangular ROIs?

I know this is an OLD topic, but I ran into this problem today. I used your advice with the property node, but that only rotates the caption and not the actual box that holds whatever(the string, value, etc.). I was wondering if there was a way to rotate the actual text box.

In the end all controls and indicators end up as images on the front panel. You can do this with an XControl. You would input the string, create an image from that, rotate it or whatever, then display it in a picture indicator.

These operators are of the same complexity as other bit-wise operators and normally require a single assembly instruction, like the others. Besides, I can think of a lot of uses for rotate operator, probably not less than, say, xor operator - so it sounds a bit strange to me that they aren't included in C along with the rest.

Allow Tag Rotation - Keep default behavior as-is, but allow for post-creation rotation (using the rotate tool) of all tags on an as-needed basis (so "Align with Element" only governs until "overidden" by the Rotate command)

Or just fix the Foundation Tag behavior. I had to create a Foundation Tag family with Labels in 5 degree increments controlled by visibility parameters (for use with Wall Footings), but I don't recall having to rotate other tags (such as for Framing).

@lionel.kai Some tags rotate with their objects, others don't, even if you tick the box, "rotate with object" Ideally it would be consistent across all tag categories AND have some rotation grip for instances where you DON'T want it aligned to objects. TBH the whole Horizontal/Vertical switch is pretty bad too.

I agree with what both of you say (especially on the Foundation Tags). What i am asking for is the ability to rotate tags using the Modify/Rotate command (essentially overriding the "Align with Element" part - which would become a default on creation but not necessarily a Locked position). ff782bc1db

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