De novo design of proteins using Rosetta and Alphafold 2

Thursday 23.06.2022, from 9:00 to 17:00

Great Lecture Hall, National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Protein design is of great technological importance and can solve many biomedically relevant challenges. Examples include new therapeutic agents (COVID-19 inhibitors, COVID-19 vaccines, flu inhibitors), nanomaterials (cages, layers, fibers) and sensors.

Are you interested in protein structure and would like to know more about the magic of de novo design? Then you are the perfect candidate!

The workshop is set up as a “crash course” in protein design, highlighting what is possible with current technology. Participants will learn how to build a four-helix bundle protein from scratch (i.e. using only mathematics). At the end of the workshop, they will obtain a sequence for the protein that folds into the designed structure. The basics of Rosetta, parametric backbone design, design of loops and design of side chains will be introduced. Alphafold 2 and it’s uses will also be presented.

Application deadline: 13.06.2022

Additional information:

Target audience: The workshop is intended for undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs and young scientist interested in protein design. Participants should know the basics of protein structure (what is an alpha helix, what are backbone and sidechains). The basics of Python (how to import modules and execute commands) is also recommended.

Prerequisites: Participants need to bring their own laptop. Google Colab will be used as the computational environment so only a browser is needed. Participants will also need a Google account.


9:00 AM - 9:45 AM


Introduction to protein design, PyRosetta and RosettaXML

9:45 AM - 10:30 AM


Basics of Rosetta (pose, scoring, visualization, loading a PDB)

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Coffe Break

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Parametric design of backbones .Check out an interactive helix bundle demo.

11:30 AM - 12:30 AM


Parametric backbone design (and sampling tutorial)

12:30 AM - 13:30 AM


13:30 AM - 14:00 AM


Reside selectors, layer design, pack rotamers and minimisation

14:00 AM - 15:00 AM


Loop design, layer design

15:00 AM - 15:30 AM

Coffe Break

15:30 AM - 16:00 AM


Pack Rotamers, fast design

16:00 AM - 16:30 AM


Filtering with Alphafold (RMSD, pLDDT)

16:30 AM - 17:00 AM

Concluding remarks


dr. Ajasja Ljubetič

The workshop will be led by dr. Ajasja Ljubetič, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow that has trained in the Baker lab (Seattle, USA), one of the most famous protein design labs in the world.


Ajasja Ljubetič, Eva Rajh, Tadej Satler

For more information contact: