
My name is Rose Kaplan-Kelly (she/her). 

I'm Postdoctoral Research Fellow at George Mason University (GMU). I completed my PhD in math at Temple University with advisor David Futer in 2023 and earned my undergraduate degree with honors in math at Bryn Mawr College.

My research interests are in knot theory and hyperbolic 3-manifolds. More specifically, my focus is totally geodesic surfaces, right-angled structure, and the commensurability classes and arithmeticity of links in thickened surfaces. I have teaching experience as the instructor of record for Linear Algebra, Calculus I, College Algebra, and Lab for College Algebra, and have been a teaching assistant for a variety of undergraduate math courses. I have earned the Teaching Essentials Continuing Professional Development Credential from the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning at GMU,  completed the Teaching for Equity Institute at Temple's Center for the Advancement of Teaching, and completed the graduate certificate in Teaching in Higher Education

I am currently the faculty mentor for an undergraduate research project in the Mason Experimental Geometry Lab (MEGL). As a graduate student, I organized the Graduate Student Conference in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, the Junior Geometry, Groups, and Topology Seminar, Temple University's Sonia Kovalevsky Mathematics Day for Middle School Girls, and Temple University's Summer Mathematics Interactive Learning Experience.

I can be reached at: 

rkaplank (at) gmu (dot) edu.