Robotic Perception and Mapping: Frontier Vision & Learning Techniques

October 5, 2023,  Detroit, USA

Room 310A/B, Huntington Place




This workshop aims to present the latest advancements and frontier techniques in computer vision and machine learning that are expected to have a significant impact on robotic perception and mapping and set the direction of research in the next 5-10 years. Through a series of invited and contributed talks by renowned academic leaders and researchers, the event will discuss frontier technologies for robotic perception and mapping with particular focus on addressing existing computer vision challenges such as dealing with dynamic environments and non-rigid objects, trade-offs between scalability (capturing large environments over long periods of operation without running out of memory) versus expressivity (capturing precise details about the environment characteristics, including geometry, semantics, dynamics, topology), as well as addressing machine learning challenges such as reducing training and inference time of machine learning models, fitting large models on small robotic platforms, trade-offs between pre-training and fine-tuning environment models, and ensuring generalization and robustness. To encourage interaction among participants, the workshop will feature panel discussions, posters, and spotlight talks. The event will adopt a hybrid format with both in-person and remote participants. All talks and accepted contributions will be published on the workshop's webpage to expand its reach and impact.

This workshop is a follow-up to the well-received ICRA 2022 workshop on "Robotic Perception and Mapping: Emerging Techniques," which had the largest attendance across all workshops with over 1,000 participants. This follow-up workshop will provide a new perspective by inviting a new set of speakers and discussing frontier research on computer vision and machine learning (instead of mapping, which was the focus of the previous workshop). To differentiate the workshop from traditional computer vision and machine learning conferences, the talks are particularly focused on techniques with direct application in robotic perception and autonomy.

Expected outcome:

By facilitating discussion among invited speakers, participants, and authors of contributed papers, the workshop aims to study and answer the following fundamental questions:

Invited speakers: 

Konstantinos Alexis 

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Joydeep Biswas

University of Texas, Austin

Wolfram Burgard

Technical University of Nuremberg

Katerina Fragkiadaki

Carnegie Mellon University

Golnaz Habibi

University of Oklahoma

Christoffer Heckman

University of Colorado Boulder

Chad Jenkins 

University of Michigan

Michael Kaess

Carnegie Mellon University

Lingjie Liu

University of Pennsylvania

Katie Skinner

University of Michigan

Sai Vemprala

Scaled Foundations

Ge Yang

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Wolfram Burgard

Technical University of Nuremberg

Ayoung Kim

Seoul National University

Davide Scaramuzza

University of Zurich

Sebastian Scherer

Carnegie Mellon University

Teresa Vidal-Calleja

University of Technology Sydney


Date: Oct 5, 2023

Time: 8:30-15:50 US Eastern Time

Location: Room 310A/B, Huntington Place, Detroit, Michigan, USA 


8:30 - 10:00 Session 1 (chaired by Chen Wang)

9:50 - 10:20 Coffee break & posters

10:20 - 12:00 Session 2 (chaired by Golnaz Habibi)

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break & posters

13:00 - 14:00 Session 3 (chaired by Kevin Doherty)

14:10 -14:40 Coffee break & posters

14:40 - 16:00 Session 4 (chaired by Kevin Doherty)

Call for papers/posters/videos:

We cordially invite researchers to submit short papers, extended abstracts, posters, and/or videos. We accept original papers, as well as in-review or recently accepted manuscripts. Submitted contributions can describe work in progress, preliminary results, novel concepts, or industrial applications. 

All manuscripts are limited to 4+n pages (i.e., additional pages over 4 are only allowed for references), should use the IEEE standard two-column conference format (see IROS 2023 website), and must be in the PDF format with a size less than 20 MB. We encourage authors to submit a video for their manuscript as supplementary material. All video submissions must be in mp4 format with a size of less than 100 MB. 

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Authors who submit a paper are expected to provide (up to) 3 single-blind reviews for the papers submitted to this workshop. Submissions will be selected by workshop organizers based on the reviews, their originality, relevance to the workshop topics, contributions, technical clarity, and presentation. All accepted manuscripts will be presented as posters during the workshop, which will be displayed throughout the day. Two top contributions will be selected for 10-minute oral presentations at spotlight sessions. Accepted posters and videos will be posted on the workshop website. You can contact the corresponding organizer with any questions: Dr. Kaveh Fathian,

Topics of interest:

Submission platform:

To submit your contributions, please follow these steps:

You will need to create a new account if you have not used Microsoft CMT before. 

Important dates:

Submission Deadline: Sunday, Aug 20, 2023, by 11:59 PM EDT

Reviews due:  Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023, by 11:59 PM EDT

Acceptance Notification: Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023

Camera-ready submission: Monday, Sep 18, 2023, by 11:59 PM EDT

Workshop: Thursday, October 5, 2023

Location: Room 310A/B, Huntington Place, Detroit, Michigan, USA 

Download Accepted papers & Poster:


*Best papers (selected based on peer reviews) are highlighted. 

Organizers & Committee:

Senior organizers:

Academic leaders and government researchers with extensive experience in organizing workshops at internationally recognized conferences that establish the primary workshop objectives and program.

Nikolay Atanasov

University of California San Diego

Luca Carlone

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jonathan How 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John Leonard

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carlos Nieto

US Army Research Laboratory

Sebastian Scherer

Carnegie Mellon University

Workshop Committee:

Junior faculty and researchers that implement the workshop vision, oversee submitted contributions (papers/posters/videos), disseminate the contributions, advertise the workshop, and chair sessions during the event. 

Kevin Doherty

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Golnaz Habibi

University of Oklahoma

Hasan Poonawala 

University of Kentucky

David Rosen

Northeastern University

Chen Wang 

University at Buffalo

Shibo Zhao

Carnegie Mellon University

Corresponding organizer:

Point of contact for all inquiries, workshop logistics, and coordination between the workshop and conference.

Kaveh Fathian

Colorado School of Mines

Workshop Sponsors: