About me

I am a 5th year PhD student at the Chicago Booth School of Business in the Accounting area.

My research interests follow a curiosity to understand how some of the least financially transparent organizations behave. Examples of such organizations include private foundations and tax haven law firms. As an empiricist, I try to make sense of how organizations respond to changes in financial transparency laws and the role of financial professionals and financial technologies in enabling these changes.

My research is currently focused on the following themes:

I rely primarily on empirical archival methods to conduct my research. I draw inspiration from engaging with practitioners and am actively looking for opportunities to complement archival methods with interviews and surveys.

Outside of research, I enjoy practicing yoga, muay thai, calisthenics, parkour, hiking in nature with my dog, and occasionally making videos to cherish these memories: 

[Training & traveling in 2020-2021]

[Training & traveling Pre-PhD]