Celebrating 24 Years of Excellence in IT Training: The Journey of Rooman Technologies 

Pioneering IT Training Since 1999

In the bustling tech hub of Bangalore, a visionary group of technology enthusiasts founded Rooman Technologies in 1999. Their mission was clear from the start: to establish a premier training center that not only boosts employability but also instills confidence through valuable certifications. Over the past 24 years, Rooman Technologies has grown into a bastion of knowledge, innovation, and skill development, influencing countless careers and shaping the future of technology training in India.

A Commitment to Quality and Relevance

From its inception, Rooman has been at the forefront of the technology training sector. The founding team, together with an esteemed board, continually monitors global tech trends to ensure that the training offered remains cutting-edge and relevant. Their dedication is evident in their innovative training methods and the continuous evolution of their course offerings, which include certifications from industry giants like Cisco, Microsoft, and Redhat.

Partnerships that Empower

Rooman's commitment to societal improvement is demonstrated through its partnerships with various government bodies, aimed at providing upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees and staff. These initiatives have established Rooman as a key player in supporting government efforts to turn India into the "Skill Capital of the World."

Nationwide Reach and Impact

With over 100 training centers spread across the country, Rooman Technologies is not just a pioneer but a giant in the realm of IT training. Their omnichannel approach blends the best of online and offline training experiences. By introducing the Flipped Class Model in online training, Rooman has revolutionized the learning process, allowing students to first engage with the material at home and then apply what they've learned in a collaborative, in-class environment.

Infrastructure That Inspires

Rooman's infrastructure is nothing short of impressive. Each center is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, discussion lounges, and labs dedicated to hardware, networking, and software. This environment fosters a vibrant community where students can interact, innovate, and inspire each other, further enhancing the learning experience.

A Legacy of Success

Over the years, Rooman has trained more than 1.2 million students, a testament to its impact and dedication to excellence. Each course and session is designed not only to teach but to transform, preparing students for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Looking to the Future

As Rooman Technologies celebrates its 24th anniversary, the journey is far from over. The commitment to enhancing and expanding IT training continues, driven by a passion for technology and an unwavering commitment to the community. Rooman is more than just a training institute; it's a beacon of knowledge and a builder of futures in India's vibrant technological landscape.

In conclusion, Rooman Technologies isn't just teaching students; it's creating the next generation of tech leaders and innovators. As they continue to expand and evolve, their journey is one to watch, as they shape the future of IT training in India and beyond.

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