Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect the information when you use our applications downloaded from Google Play Store.

You agree to this privacy policy and install the apps. If you do not agree, please do not install and use the apps.

1. Non-personal data

Non-personal data is information that cannot identify you personally. The App may collect non-personal data such as your device model, operating system version, country/region code, and other attributes that serve you.

2. Advertising Service Technology

In order to provide you with advertisements, third-party advertising companies may publish or recognize unique cookies, anonymous identifiers, or similar technologies that are used for non-personally identifiable information.

3. Location data

The weather app may request your location data for functional purposes. After your authorization, we may use GPS, Wi-Fi or other network-based data. Without your consent, your GPS location will not be accessed. We will not provide your location data to ad networks and third parties.

4. Children

We will not collect, use or disclose personal information about children.

5. How to contact us